Thursday, December 27, 2012

Tattoo's 101

Tattoo's are an amazing form of art and expression.  Some people are into them and some people are not.  I've always had a fascination with them every since I got my first about 12 years ago.  My rules for tattoo's has always been the same, There has to be some sort of emotional connection to the art.  Every single one that I have has a story behind it.  Sometimes I tell the story and sometimes I choose not to.  Over the past few years there has been an explosion of people getting tattoo's.  Its kinda at a point where people go from having none in the month of January to having a whole arm sleeve by February.  How many times have you asked someone what a their tattoo means and the response makes absolutely no sense at all.  Don’t get me wrong, it's your body and you can do to it whatever you like to it.  I will just tell you to take the time and make sure a tattoo is what you want. Another interesting thing is that people think that by getting tattoo's it automatically makes you some sort of bad ass and that is not the case at all.  I blame the NBA and the music industry for that lol.  There have been times that people have come to me and asked me about my tattoo artist and ask me to show them my art.  A few of them ask, "Does he have decent prices?"  Let me key you in on a secret, "GOOD ART WORK IS PRICELESS".  If your main concern is how much it cost than you clearly don’t understand how tattoo's work.  You want an awesome price or awesome work?  Having both only really happens when you develop a relationship with that artist over time.  If you are considering getting a tattoo find the person with the best looking art and that’s who you ask.  A person can have just 1 tattoo or 50, you still ask the person with the best looking art.  You can be covered in tattoo's but if they all look like shit what's the point in having them. Years ago tattoo's were for hippy's, weirdo's, bikers, veterans, and dudes that did time in the pen.  Now it's more for people who think it makes them a badass or look cool.  I remember a few year meeting a guy that had two tribal arm sleeves and thinking to myself, "Why in the hell would you get a tribal tattoo when you clearly are not from that tribe nor have a fucking clue to what it really means?"  Thanks to these tattoo whores, there's a tattoo parlor on every corner putting bullshit on peoples bodies.  Oh and here are the definitions of a tattoo whore..

Tattoo Whore = A person who goes out and gets a tattoo to fit in, look cool, or look like a bad ass. ; A person who gets a mass amount of tattoo's in a short period of time who does not fit in the category of hippy, weirdo, biker, veterans or served jail time; a person who chooses price over quality of work; A person who goes and gets a tattoo that a famous person has;

Also, any person that tells you tattoo's don’t hurt is fucking lie.  Some places on your body hurt more than others but the bottom line is that they all hurt.  A good way to tell if you have shitty art work is to go and show someone your tattoo to a person who has a lot of nice work.  This doesn't work if both of you have shitty artwork.  And just ask, "what do you think of my artwork?"

In closing I will say this,

Whatever tattoo you get now in life, will be with you later in life.

Stay Thirsty my Friends