Thursday, May 16, 2013

You Know What Grinds My Gears? Vol 2

I stole this title from the show, "Family Guy". The Character Peter gets a spot on the local news channel basically talking about shit that irritates the hell out of him. So with that being said, I'm gonna take my second stab at this.


You know what Grinds My Gears, "When people go slow in the fast lane "
Hey, No matter where you are in the United States the furthest left lane is the fast and or passing lane.  It’s quite simple, if you are in the left lane and people are passing you…….MOVE THE FUCK OUTTA THE WAY (unless your old as get a pass)


You know what Grinds My Gears, "People that show up late for shit”
We gonna meet at 11:00am means exactly what is says.  Don’t text me at 11:05 saying you gonna be late.  I take that shit as disrespect.. like your literally saying fuck me, my family, and everything I stand for. 


You know what Grinds My Gears, " People who purchased motorcycles or motorcycle parts because of, “Sons of Anarchy”
First and foremost, you’re a fucking idiot that lacks creativity.  Hey, I watch a show called, “Hoarders Buried Alive”.  However, I have no plans on buying a bunch shit and turning my house into an episode.


You know what Grinds My Gears, "Black People who can’t dance”
WTF…. How can you be black and not know how to dance.  You on the dance floor fucking up everybody’s new shoes and shit.  Out here setting us back years.. Bad enough the DC Sniper was black which I still refuse to except lol


You know what Grinds My Gears, " People with gold teeth”
Hey that shit faded out like L.A. Gear shoes…..The only people authorized gold teeth are Puerto Ricans and Middle Aged Pimps in Texas and Georgia.


You know what Grinds My Gears, " People who share Face book Pages with their significant other”
So it has been established that your balls have been relocated into your wife’s purse.  Something about that tells me that TRUST is defiantly not an issue in your relationship”


You know what Grinds My Gears, " People who act like their shit don’t stink”
Hey you know both of you don’t even sleep in the same damn bed.  Why you out here telling everybody how good your marriage is when you haven’t had sex in the year 2013.


You know what Grinds My Gears, " People who overly stress how much they love being single”
No no no no.  Your single because all of the good people don’t want you.  People are like properties, “you will only attract certain people to live in your neighborhood”.  I don’t give a shit who you are, Nobody likes to be alone. I’m single and I’m doing me…your are doing YOU.  Because nobody else of any value wants you.  Just remember, the older you get the lower your property value.


You know what Grinds My Gears, " People who constantly go out of their way to put how great their relationship is on Face book”
Is it me or do they end up being the same people who change that relationship status to single the following month?


You know what Grinds My Gears, "When people act like their jobs are more important that what they really are”
Dude you check receipts at Wal-Mart, Why you out there telling your friends, “I do big things in the Retail Industry and nothing gets by unless it goes through me”  LOL  you are correct


You know what Grinds My Gears, "People who are surprised when I tell them I ride a Harley”
WTF..It’s not like I’m a witch and ride a fucking broomstick.


You know what Grinds My Gears, " The Overly Depressed person on Face Book”
Damn….I know exactly what page to go to when I wanna feel like a fucking loser.  Your page is like an episode of, “The Young and the Restless.  Face book is slowly changing from a happy connect with friends have a good time web site to a my life sucks ass ungrateful I want people to join me in this troth of constant negative shit web site.  But I have to admit,  I get amusement out of bad shit happening to certain people.


You know what Grinds My Gears, "Pop-ups when I watching Porn”
Nothing like watching your favorite Porn star get destroyed by 30 dudes and then the “LIVEJASMIN” pop-up takes over your screen with some cheesy euro trash chick sitting on the edge of the bed smoking a cigarette.


You know what Grinds My Gears, " When Soldiers from Army Units that are not well known wear combat patches from more popular divisions”
Hey..have you ever worn that combat patch on you left side?  I don’t give a shit who you FELL UNDER IN COMBAT.  If you don’t know what “KOLEKOLE PASS” is TAKE MY ELECTRIC STRAWBERRY OFF!  If you aint spent time at Bragg..don’t wear the patch..if you aint spent time at Campbell, take the Screamin Eagle off…If you aint spent time at one the Regiments ..take that scroll off!

Stay Thirsty My Friends