Monday, July 15, 2013

The Infantry Dude Talks Racism (Not for the weak or faint hearted)

First and foremost let me say that this blog is my opinion only and is not necessarily about the Martin/Zimmerman case but more so how racism still exist in this country.  No matter what we choose to think……. racism and stereotypes will always exist, but how we deal with it is important. Now let’s have fun with some and stereotype some races


Black People:  You basketball playing, chicken and watermelon loving, B.E.T. watching, pants sagging, Cadillac driving, wide nose, nappy head, shucking and jiving on the corner, on welfare but on crack with 25 kids and a clothes line in front of your project  house living, Menthol smoking piece of shit.

White People:  You Country music loving, Ford pickup truck driving, mayonnaise avoiding, bologna smelling, Elvis is better than Michael Jackson thinking, trailer park living, put your kids in time out parenting only for them to turn around and do a Mass Shooting,  trail mix eating, Meth Smoking son off a bitch

Hispanic:  You Illegal 25 people in a 1 bedroom and Honda driving, non English speaking, Goya product buying, 2 last names with the letter Z in it having,  dress your kids up every day as if they were going to the prom,  Univision watching, Julio Iglesias loving, put everything in a tortilla or taco eating bastards.

Asian:  You flat face, Toyota driving, cleaners, carry-out and liquor store owing, Karate and Ninja skill using, Mathematically blessed, rice and sushi eating, no taller than 5 foot  5, name is either Kim, Lee, or Chan having,  all of your kids have bowl haircuts edged up in the front , language sounds like, “Ping Pang Pang Ping” assholes

African:  You 11:59 complexion having, feet are ashy, dark on top and light on the bottom,  Tribe living, flies on you eyeball enjoying, dart blowing,  drum playing, animal hunting and using the hide or fur for next year’s fashion statement dressing, in every “feed this child for 15 cents a day” commercial son of a bitch.

Arabs:  You suicide bombing, bed sheet wearing, 15 times a day praying, all of you named, “Mohammed, Abdul, or Ali, Prayers and Music sounds like a shit load of people being tortured loving,  subject matter expert on all things terrorist, oil money having, language sounds like the sound you make before you spit Mother Fuckers.



Trust me, I could go on and on with that but the bottom line is………….Everything I mentioned can be applied to every single race.  If you don’t believe me, pick one of the stereotypes and see if it applies to another race.  All races have people that play basketball, Listen to Elvis, eat tacos, play drums, and use meth and crack.  And last but not least, all races have killed large groups of people for no damn reason. Since we got that out of the way, I would like to focus more on racism between black and whites.  When 9/11 happened, it brought all of us together as just Americans.  Terrorist don’t give a shit what color you are.  If you are in America, they view you as just that. Americans are the only ones who for some reason don’t see it that way.  As years progressed, the races began to grow apart.  A few events happened before and after that showed somewhat of a divide in this country.  For example, let’s take the O.J. Simpson trial.  When he was found not guilty, black people celebrated as if we had one a million dollars and white people were pissed as if they lost something.  A lot of us failed to realize that kids lost a mother, parents lost a daughter and son, and O.J. lost a wife.  The only people that know what happen that day were Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman.  We can speculate and be lawyers for a day but we really don’t know all that happened that day.  Fast forward to the Martin/Zimmerman Case, the same thing applies.  The only people that know what happen that day is Travon Martin and George Zimmerman.  You can speculate and be a lawyer for a day……but the bottom line is we don’t know all the things that happen that day.  The one thing we know is a young man’s life was cut short, parents lost a son, and a man was found not guilty and will spend the rest of his life in a living hell. You may say, “Well at least he’s alive”, but his life will never be the same and will affect his family as well.  I also completely understand the large out pouring of support from Black People for the Martin Family. It hit home a little more with us because we all know kids that look like Trayvon Martin.  But isn’t it also safe to say that it hit home in general with people that have young teenagers?  Although on TV you may see protest with large amounts of black people, there are other races that felt bad about what happen.  We as black people need to quit this jumping on the media band wagon shit. We call our own people, “Niggas, Hoes, and bitches” But then we get pissed when Rush Limbaugh called the basketball girl a, “Nappy Headed Hoe”.  Give me a fucking break. And White People, stop thinking that every Black person is overly sensitive about race and thinks they are owed something because of slavery.  Slavery started in the early 1600 and the 13th Amendment and Emancipation Proclamation were in 1863 and 1865.  However people still owned slaves into the early 1900.  But from 1600 til the 1960’s, black people were treated like shit and less than human. And somehow we are suppose to get over all of that in 50 years, I mean damn give us a little more time. What that means is try to be a little more understanding and considerate of the fact that some blacks are still sensitive about.  And I know some of you are gonna say, “Blacks had slaves too” and your right. But what was the percentage of white slave owners versus black slave owners.  Yes we have made leaps and bounds on the backs of people like Martin Luther King.  But, White people also help paved the way for us to be treated equally as well and that’s a KNOWN FACT.  Yea the President is black but the OTHER 43 WERE WHITE and that’s a fact. A lot of blacks voted for Obama just because he was black, but I feel we were entitled to do that, but whites were also entitled to NOT vote for him because he was black.  To a certain degree they are both wrong.  In school, kids were told we could be anything we wanted to when we grew up………but up until 2009 we all knew that was bullshit.  Now Blacks can truly say we can be anything we want when we grow, but ask your self can other races say the same yet?  Us as black people have to stop making everything out to be about race and thinking that the, “THE WHITE MAN’S HOLDONG US DOWN”.  In some cases it’s true but NOT every time. Six White people and one Black person all put in for a job and the black person is the only one that doesn’t get hired.  You can bet your ass that we might scream racism, but at the same time have to understand that it may be because we’re the least qualified.  Me personally, I think Affirmative Action was great up until President Obama got in office but I think it’s time for it to go away.  However I also think that there are a small amount of states that should still have it.  If a company doesn’t wanna hire me because I’m black it’s their lost not mine.  The biggest thing that will help Racism in this country is talking about it.  You would be surprised what we all have in common if we just put the stereotypes to the side and get to know each other.  I challenge you, the next time you’re out somewhere and see a person of another race spark a conversation with them.  If you have friends of another race take the time and talk with them about race.  But in doing so you have to understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and you may not agree with it.  You can’t fault a person for not having your same views and be thankful that you live in a country where you have freedom of speech.  You try that shit in North Korea and they will send three generations of your family to jail forever, if you don’t believe me look that shit up.  And a special shot out to the Military for forcing all races within it to only see one color, because when you’re in a firefight…..your brother is EVERY COLOR and will risk his life to save yours.


In closing I will say

Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, and Asians can all be racist.  In some cases people hate people within their own race.  People of all colors fight to protect this great nation and make it a better place…..some have lost their lives in the process…From Veterans to people like Abe Lincoln, Martin Luther King and The Kennedys…..The least we can do as AMERICANS  is try to live and learn together. Teach your kids to be open minded because they are the once that will make the biggest of changes. 


Exert from the I have a Dream Speech by MLK

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:

                Free at last! Free at last!

                Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!

Quote by JFK

No one has been barred on account of his race from fighting or dying for America, there are no white or colored signs on the foxholes or graveyards of battle”

If we are to open employment opportunities in this country for members of all races and creeds, then the Federal Government must set an example … I am not going to promise a Cabinet post or any other post to any race or ethnic group. That is racism in reverse at its worst. So I do not promise to consider race or religion in my appointments if I am successful. I promise only that I will not consider them