Thursday, October 3, 2013

Range Rover vs Sport Bikes with a sprinkle of bashing

Lets talk meat and potatoes

First and Foremost the people that you saw riding those Motorcycles in the video are not Bikers.  They are seasonal immature retards who happen to own sport bikes.  Lets start off by talking about motorcycle formations.   Real bikers riding with a group of people know that its safer and more respectable to ride in a formation with all motorcycles in ONE LANE SIDE BY SIDE BIKE LENGTH APART.  It also helps for Command and Control Purposes.  When you ride the way that I described, there are two people who move the formation to other lanes.  The person in the front left position gives the signal to swith lanes….and the person in the rear executes it thus the formation is moved from the rear to the front.  For people who don’t know much about motorcycle/biker culture let me give you some knowledge. If a group of motocycles are on the road in a nice formation you shouldn’t be able to squeeze a car between them because they ride that close together. This alone tells you what type of caliber those guys are. It means that they ride often together, they don’t give a shit about losing their life, and you need to get out of their way.  What you saw on that video is what the military calls a, “Gaggle Fuck” and that means tons of shit being all over the place.  Sometimes  Motorcycle riders and Bikers think they own the road.  We forget that if we go up against anything with four wheels we most likely will lose that battle.  Had that been a formation of a Motorcycle Club it would have been handled totally different.  First off, MC’s don’t like heat from Cops.  So we pick our battles and if we have to do business WE ALL DO IT TOGETHER.  Real bikers would rather choose the diplomatic approach first.

So what I think happen is..... that Gaggle Fuck of riders decided to do typical shit that people on sports bikes do..not all but a lot, SHOW OFF!  I say that because there is extra footage of them riding through the city on sidewalks and riding between traffic.  As most of the cars moved out of the way, a hundred bikers took up the whole damn road, the Range Rover didn’t move.  The sport bike riders got pissed that the Range Rover didn’t  switch lanes and get out of their way.  The sport bike riders started to taunt him and his family and he refused to move.  This is when the one bike gets in front of him and does a brake check and the truck ran into the back of him.  The bikers decide to circle the Truck and I'm sure the driver didn't think they were there to talk about the government closure.  One of the bikers showed signs of aggressiveness and the driver of the truck said fuck this shit and ran over the people who were in front of his vehicle.  Why in the fuck would you park a motorcycle or stand in front of a 4500 pound SUV?  Just so you know,  Land Rovers are built and designed to drive over far worse obstacles than a sport bike and human being.  Put yourself in the shoes of the SUV driver with your family in car and you end up being surrounded by a bunch of sport bikes.  What would you have done?  Had that been me in the SUV, I would have rolled down the window just enough to fire two shots from my trusty 380.  I got 6 shots remaining.....And as an old pimp would say, " May your next move be your best move".  I might get beat to death when I run out of rounds, but the funeral home will be busy the next few days because of me.  I recall a time down here in my neck of the woods when I had a little incident.  I was making a left turn from the left lane....and the car next to me turned with me but merged in front of me and almost hit me. I simply honked my horn and he said, "fuck you" and kept going.  Here were my options:
a) keep on riding to my destination and accept that people in the DC Area normally do this
b) yell back at him and keep going to my destination
c) follow him and argue and yell
So I did the last one, but in choosing this option EVERYTHING BECOMES FAIR GAME.  He also had a his wife with him. He did a few brake checks and got close behind me a few times.  When we got to the next stop sign I pulled up BESIDE him and put my kickstand down and walked towards the passenger door.  At this point he realized that he didn't really want that type of problem and pulled off. Now had he pulled out a gun and shot me, threw something at me or inflicted ANY type of bodily harm...HE WOULD HAVE BEEN JUSTIFIED.  When I got home and processed what happen, what I did was dangerous and highly irresponsible.  I was lucky to had walked away without something bad happening and the bottom line is nothing he did to me was so serious that I had to do what I did. When you surround a SUV with a family inside,  you pose a threat in any way shape or form and you will get ran over.  As I sit here in my living room...its almost impossible for me to be struck by an SUV.  But if you park your bike in front of an SUV and threaten the passengers get ran over....thats a fucking no brainer.  The sport bike riders had a choice....and they made the wrong one...and it is...what it is.  Sport bike riders do dumb shit like brake checks and ride on curbs..why because their bikes and the parts are cheap to replace.  Guys with Harleys...if I even put a dent in a saddle bag..  I gotta pay a grand at least.  So I wouldnt park it in front of an angry SUV, nor would I slam on my breaks in front of it or ride it on a fucking sidewalk.  A few weeks ago I was on I95 and a dude on a sport bike did a wheelie for about four exits. Its already a risk riding a motorcycle but when you do dumb shit like that on a HIGHWAY your chances of getting fucked up are a lot higher.  Sport bikes ride all over the fucking rode with no consideration of others.  How many times have you been in your car and a sport bike zoomed past you at speeds unknown to man. How many times have you been on the highway and a bunch of bikes sped past you in every single lane. How many sport bike riders you know over the age of 50? My point is...people who have cruisers have a different mentality and a certain level of maturity.  I bet the average age of those riders that day was about 25 years old.  And thats the type of shit immature riders on sport bikes do. They don't wanna enjoy the LONG comfortable scenic ride....They want the SHORT FAST thrill.  And as I said before..its not all sport bike riders but a lot of them ride like I just described.  People say Harleys are an old mans bike... and maturity comes with age my friend!