Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Viper Platoon Redux

(My thoughts on the plane to Vegas)
Today is one of the most important events of my life. I will be reunited with a group of men that I haven't seen in almost 7 years. Some of this countries finest Soldiers. Although all of them won't be in attendance due to most of us still actively serving our military and government. One of our brothers lost his life earlier this year. This will be an opportunity to not only celebrate his life but to celebrate that we still have ours to live. Most of us have kept contact through Facebook and phone calls but have not physically seen each other since 2005. I left the Army the very same year after we returned from Iraq. To be honest, I never thought I would see any of them again and would have been perfectly fine with that. The tour in Iraq drained the life out of me as I'm sure it did to many others. Unfortunately, you could never turn your back on your brothers. Men that have seen you at your best and worst. Men that covered your ass when shit got intense . We did our job and we did it well, but most importantly we did it together. We are the great men of 1st Platoon (Vipers). Some of our brothers aren't ready for this epic journey and completely understand and will not hold it against them. For us who are, we make the trip to Las Vegas and recharge the bond. The very same bond that kept us together......and alive. Most of us have never talked about that part of our life but what better time than now. To share it with the very same men that were apart of it...apart of what made you who you are today. I'm not sure what to expect out of this trip or how it will turn out. A good man once said, " You miss all of the shots you never take". Today I will take my shot.


Well I landed in Las Vegas safely and so did my luggage. My hotel of choice for this Vegas trip would be Circus Circus and I hopped in the cab and headed there. First thing I will say is looking at it from the outside you think to yourself, "Man....this is a ShitHole". The inside is a lot better and the room I stayed in was up there with the Marriott and Hilton and so was the room service. I only paid like 60 bucks a night and I would recommend this as a cheap but good place to stay. The only problem is that its almost at the end of the strip. My old platoon sergeant Mark called me and told me we would be meeting at the Lynyrd Skynyrd Bar-b-que restaurant inside the Excalibur Casino in about an hour. So I catch a cab there and walk into the restaurant and take a seat. In walks Mark and my old platoon leader Nate and they all looked the same way they did 7 years ago. The 3 of us take our seats, order drinks, and pick up right where we left off from 2005. We caught up on old times and talk about or tour in Iraq. I couldn't help but notice that out of a platoon of over 30 Soldiers, only 3 of us showed up. I can't speak for Nate and Mark but I was totally disappointed with that. Granted I understand that some are deployed or cant get away from their jobs. The bottom line is this, some people said they were going to come and didn’t and we got over that fairly quick. On another note the Restaurants food was pretty damn good and all the waitresses wore cowboy boots and booty shorts except for the one taking care of our table....She was pregnant. After we were done eating we went over to some of the tables in the casino to gamble a little bit. The 1st table of choice was craps, and let me tell some of you this, if you have ever shot dice (Craps) in the streets, it does not work on casino tables. The employees don't like our bad habits and will give you the, "this guy must be cheating cause he's doing dice tricks and saying things that rhyme" look. After we left that casino we walked around a little bit and ran into some guys from England. If you have ever seen the Episode of Family Guy where the Clam (Local Bar) closes down and some guys from England bought it? Well that’s how these guys looked and talked . The one ring leader of the group always seemed to have an extra watery mouth and  the hardest thing he had to do every day was keep control of it. They all had that extremely deep English accent. The accent sounds amazing if your James Bond or Victoria Beckham but not if you look like characters off of Austin Powers. So no shit there I was...Check Liver Light on and my Bladder on full. My bladder tells me it’s time to find the nearest bathroom and my feet lead the way. I go right into the women’s bathroom walking fast as hell pulling out my garden hose getting ready to water the grass. Soon as I got into a stall the bathroom attendant says, "Hey, you better put that thing away and get outta here" There were some other women yelling something but it sounded inviting as I put my hotdog and pork and beans back in my pants and picked up a 8 minute mile pace running out of the bathroom. What I will say is, from the time I walked in the bathroom til when I came out all happened in about 6 seconds flat.  At around 5 am something interesting happened. You know when your car gets really low on gas, fuel light comes on, and the instrument panel shows you how many miles you got until your car breaks down? Well my body told me I had 20 minutes to get back to the room or it would break down. I mean you gotta think we had been drinking since 2pm that day and it was 5am the next morning. So I stumble into the room and dive on the bed. I start to here that liquid sound in my stomach every time I roll over. Into the bathroom I go fingers down my throat with a mental thought of 2 Girls one cup meets a dirty china town buffet with flies on the food and that works. Not a fucking ounce of food in this toilet just straight captain morgan. I hop right in bed and pass the fuck out around 530am. Wake up around 12pm and order a pizza and lemonade. 20 minutes later someone knocks on the door and the food is here. "I can bring it in and put it on the table for you, " the hotel lady says. I take the pizza, soda, and pay her all before she could finish that sentence. I dont really remember what happen later on that night. I know I went and got an Iphone at one point during this trip. We also took a trip down to the old strip to see the Pawn Stars place and the older casino's. Mark says to Nate, "We should just walk to the old strip". Me and Nate look at each other with the ,"We dont feel like walking face" Mark convinces us to walk anyway. The old Strip is pretty good. The average age down there has to be at least 75 years old. Also dont ever walk to the strip, walking there looks like a scene out of the movie, "Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome". Once you actually get there your good and I would recommend you go here if you ever go to Vegas. I know one of our nights here we called it quits at a pretty decent time. I remember the cab driver telling me about a strip club called, "Sapphire". I figure sense it was only two blocks away I could go there by myself and hang out for a bit. That place was stacked pretty damn well. They had nothing but 8 through 10's in there. Just imagine going to a night club to dance and your squeezing through the crowd. In this case the crowd happened to be strippers. Strippers at the bars drinking, strippers giving other strippers lap dances, Strippers using strippers as furniture while getting a dance for another stripper lol. You remember when Michael Jackson was in his prime and performing on stage? Do you know what would happen to him if he would have jumped into the crowd? Well thats what happens when you walk around in Sapphire. I was scared to sit down because every time I did a 10 when try to come sit on my lap. And I don't mean sit like how you used to sit your ass cheek on one of grandma's legs either. I mean sit on your lap and potentially become pregnant sit on your lap lol. I did two laps around the club. You know what’s funny is whenever I would see a 10, I would put my head down and not make eye contact. They are trained very well there and know exactly what to say and do. The men there walk around in a zombie like trance being pulled by the strippers. They say they have well over 200 women a night there and if you counted it would be pretty damn close. So our last night in Vegas we decided to go to a dinner buffet. As I'm in the line getting food I look behind me and Mark has a plate and mouth full of food as well as a slice of pizza in his hand. We all sit down and halfway through Nate loosen ups his belt to make room for desserts. We pounded our faces with tons of food. What’s interesting about coming to Vegas this time is the trip wasn't really meant for fun. It was more so to recharge the bond that was formed years ago on the battlefield. For me, it was an important piece on the path to accepting and letting go of things that happened in Iraq. Even though we didn't spend our whole entire trip talking about these things, just being able to be around them and reminisce was all I needed. Watching them make fun of each other just the way they did years ago was priceless. There was never a quiet moment and no matter what we did or where we went in Vegas, It was just good to be together again and that my friend is priceless.



Monday, September 17, 2012

Lazy America

A few days ago, I was sitting in my car at the 7 Eleven.  There were two older American men standing outside asking for spare change.  On the other side of the parking were at least about 25 men from Central or South America looking for work.  Not looking for handout's,  looking for fucking work.  Pan your field of vision about 90 degrees and the American men are begging for fucking change.  You know what's amazing?  The fact the some other countries are so shitty, that a motherfucker will risk their lives just to get into America.  Have you seen the shit that we complain about it this country.  We think that automatically, we are entitled to a bunch of shit because we are Americans.  I remember a few months ago, someone I knew who lived in Waldorf, MD.  He said there were not a lot of jobs in that area and I suggested Alexandria, VA which is about 20 miles away.  His response was, "I'm not driving 20 miles for a damn job, I rather get unemployment".  Are you fucking serious? You can't drive 20 miles to get a job that pays 18 dollars an hour and you need no expiereince? I can't stress enough that people from other countries come here to have a better life. To have the life that we complain about.  I heard a story about a man born in Nigeria who drives 200 miles to work and comes home to visit his family on the weekends. Not most American's,  oh that’s too far for us to drive.  If the job aint 3 blocks down the road we don’t want it.  Don't get me wrong, all Americans aren't lazy. But, majority of us are. Do you remember when you were a child in school and teacher asked you, "What do you wanna be when you grow up?"  No matter what your answer was, there was at least a chance of you actually becoming that when you became an adult.  Not too many countries have that luxury, but we do.  The only thing stopping you from becoming a doctor, lawyer, police officer, Secretary of State, Actor, or whatever the hell you wanna be.....IS YOU.  Nobody is standing in your way preventing this from happening and if they are, you need to move around them.  You can't go around thinking that everything will be handed to you.  The moment you start expected things to be handed to you is the moment you realize your arm is getting tired from holding your hand out.  We won't get off our ass to do something but will be quick to move our mouths to complain about it.  Here's another thing, You ever meet someone over the age of 21 who somehow someway still lives at home with their parent?  Granted, there are a few reason why this would be acceptably i.e. parents are sick or something like that.  But if you don’t fall in the that type of category why the fuck would you still be living with your parents.  If you’re a parent, why the hell would you have a grown ass adult living under your roof?  Who cares if they pay bills...get the fuck out and get your own.  You a grown ass adult still writing your name on juice in the fridge.  You tell your friends that your parents live with you and not the other way around.  Hey, It's your lie Pimp, tell it how you want to!  As a Parent, it's your job to teach your kids all the tools they need to be successful in life.  You have to tell them, "You got 6 months after graduation to get the fuck out!" Join a cult, military or something but you will have to leave. Bottom line is, A lazy ass teenager becomes a lazy ass adult.  You give your children everything and never require them to get off their ass....Once your done its only common that they expect others to just hand them shit.  Teach your kids that they have to work hard and that nothing will be handed to them.  Tell them that once they leave your house, it will no longer be available for them to sleep there unless they live out of town and are coming to visit for no more than 5 night lol.  Stay Frosty my friends:)