Monday, September 17, 2012

Lazy America

A few days ago, I was sitting in my car at the 7 Eleven.  There were two older American men standing outside asking for spare change.  On the other side of the parking were at least about 25 men from Central or South America looking for work.  Not looking for handout's,  looking for fucking work.  Pan your field of vision about 90 degrees and the American men are begging for fucking change.  You know what's amazing?  The fact the some other countries are so shitty, that a motherfucker will risk their lives just to get into America.  Have you seen the shit that we complain about it this country.  We think that automatically, we are entitled to a bunch of shit because we are Americans.  I remember a few months ago, someone I knew who lived in Waldorf, MD.  He said there were not a lot of jobs in that area and I suggested Alexandria, VA which is about 20 miles away.  His response was, "I'm not driving 20 miles for a damn job, I rather get unemployment".  Are you fucking serious? You can't drive 20 miles to get a job that pays 18 dollars an hour and you need no expiereince? I can't stress enough that people from other countries come here to have a better life. To have the life that we complain about.  I heard a story about a man born in Nigeria who drives 200 miles to work and comes home to visit his family on the weekends. Not most American's,  oh that’s too far for us to drive.  If the job aint 3 blocks down the road we don’t want it.  Don't get me wrong, all Americans aren't lazy. But, majority of us are. Do you remember when you were a child in school and teacher asked you, "What do you wanna be when you grow up?"  No matter what your answer was, there was at least a chance of you actually becoming that when you became an adult.  Not too many countries have that luxury, but we do.  The only thing stopping you from becoming a doctor, lawyer, police officer, Secretary of State, Actor, or whatever the hell you wanna be.....IS YOU.  Nobody is standing in your way preventing this from happening and if they are, you need to move around them.  You can't go around thinking that everything will be handed to you.  The moment you start expected things to be handed to you is the moment you realize your arm is getting tired from holding your hand out.  We won't get off our ass to do something but will be quick to move our mouths to complain about it.  Here's another thing, You ever meet someone over the age of 21 who somehow someway still lives at home with their parent?  Granted, there are a few reason why this would be acceptably i.e. parents are sick or something like that.  But if you don’t fall in the that type of category why the fuck would you still be living with your parents.  If you’re a parent, why the hell would you have a grown ass adult living under your roof?  Who cares if they pay bills...get the fuck out and get your own.  You a grown ass adult still writing your name on juice in the fridge.  You tell your friends that your parents live with you and not the other way around.  Hey, It's your lie Pimp, tell it how you want to!  As a Parent, it's your job to teach your kids all the tools they need to be successful in life.  You have to tell them, "You got 6 months after graduation to get the fuck out!" Join a cult, military or something but you will have to leave. Bottom line is, A lazy ass teenager becomes a lazy ass adult.  You give your children everything and never require them to get off their ass....Once your done its only common that they expect others to just hand them shit.  Teach your kids that they have to work hard and that nothing will be handed to them.  Tell them that once they leave your house, it will no longer be available for them to sleep there unless they live out of town and are coming to visit for no more than 5 night lol.  Stay Frosty my friends:)

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