Wednesday, August 20, 2014

How Blacks can bring value to themselves (Based off the Ferguson, Missouri Shooting)

 So let me get this straight.  A white police officer kills a unarmed black male and everybody becomes the judge, jury, and executioner.  The truth of the matter is this, only that police officer knows why he killed that man.  We can speculate and try to calculate what percentage of him was racist but we will truly never know.

Here we go (Be mindful i'm not referring to a race as a whole...just a percentage of them)

We will protest and destroy our own community because we know without a shadow of a doubt that the cop killed this man because he's a racist.  Yet our black males will kill another black male on the next block because your shirt is blue and his is red.  We kill each other over dumb shit like shoes, being what we believe is disrespected, and jealously.  Trust me,  white cops killing black males don't even scratch the surface in comparison to what we do to ourselves.  But somehow someway, thats way more acceptable than if a white man does it.  Let the black dude across the way get shot over a drug turf war and what do we say, "Man its cold out here in these streets mane...Nigga should been up on his game mane...he got caught slippin and thats how the game go".  How about he shouldn't have been selling drugs to begin with.  Let a White man or cop kill a black male and this is what that sounds like, "There is a real epidemic of white males killing young black men.  Our black male is being hunted by white men because of the color of his skin....No Justice...No Peace".  Give me a fucking break, we as african americans have indirectly told society that it is practically normal and acceptable to kill our own but nobody else can kill us.  Another thing that amazes me is that we will riot and burn down our own community.  We burn down the Kroeger's that three generations of your family have used to feed us but won't go down to the middle and upper class neighborhood and burn down the Wegman's or high end grocery store.  Majority of the people rioting out there have not the slightest idea of what the laws are and how the judicial system works.  But guess what, it sounds really good to just keep saying, " We want justice and peace".  You know who knew the laws, judicial system and legitimately  wanted justice and peace....People like Dr. Martin Luther King jr, Medgar Evers, Frederick Douglass, Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks, Thurgood Marshall, and Ralph Abernathy.  Some of these people not only spent their whole entire lives trying to help and uplift african americans...but lost their lives in the process.  The shit we protest for don't even hold a flame to what they protested for.  They protested for a race...we protest because one black male was killed by a white police officer.  Please do understand this isn't about the specific black male that was killed in Missouri ...its about the black male being killed by white men in general.  I heard someone on the news say the local police department in Ferguson was five percent black but the population of city as a whole was 67% black.  The reporter couldn't seem to figure that out....Well let me tell you why that is.  Majority of the blacks in Ferguson just don't wanna be police officers.  Shit...majority of blacks and low income people as a whole are taught that being a police officer is the worst thing ever.  Maybe the blacks that become police officers in Ferguson take their credentials to other departments that offer better pay and benefits.  Did it ever occur to ask what the percentage of their police force are women?  I bet money its less than blacks.  I ask every black parent...who's raising your children?  You know how many times I've heard kids say, "I aint have no father or love at home but the streets and gangs showed me love".  That my friend is a fail in the black community.  We tell our black children that the only way to be successful is to rap, play football or basketball and last but not least sell drugs.  Our black kids don't find role models in doctors, lawyers, policeman, and business owners.  We let movies, television shows, rap artist, and everyone but the parent tell us what we should aspire to be.  We live in a society where its more acceptable to be a dope dealer than it is to be a social worker or community activist.  We'll upload a video of us fighting ourselves but not of us building each other up.  I heard a song the other day on the radio called, "Young nigga move that dope".  I say again..."YOUNG NIGGA MOVE THAT DOPE".  You think this song is about moving books and being productive in society.......well its not.  Do understand that I truly believe that music as a whole is just a form of artistry like movies are.  The truth of the matter is there is absolutely nothing wrong with movies or music that glorify criminal activity.  The fact that your child looks at it as something to emulate and aspire to be is the real problem.  Trust me, I listen to a variety of music but I'm not listening to it to tell me how I should live my life.  You wanna have a good idea of how to live a good life pick up the bible or an autobiography about Colin Powell or Condeleeza Rice.  Oh no wait..their not really black..they are very well educated and mostly surrounded by whites...nah that shits boring..  However the book about Karrine Stephens aka SuperHead sucking and fucking her way to the top is a far better read.  How about we tell our little black children the importance of education, helping others not just our own race, being productive in society, and getting to know the other people and places in this world.  How about our black parents should start being role models to their kids and not letting it be movies and music.  How about we teach our children that they don't have to follow someone else's path...that they can make their own path and feel free to be who they are.  How about we teach our little girls that whats between their legs is special and not to be used to feel wanted and loved.  How about we teach our little boys that when they become fathers to raise they motherfucking kids and take care of their family.  How about our black women need to stop putting down the black man.  The black man needs to stop treating the black woman as if she is anything but a child of God.  How about you turn on the discovery or history channel for our kids instead of have them twearking on the dining room floor.  Don't teach your kids the right way to talk to police officers, teach them how to talk and interact with every one   Lets teach them that love has no color and they should be with who treats them right.  And last but not about we hug and tell our beautiful black children that they are loved.  As human beings in general,  never turn down the opportunity to help someone better themselves regardless of race.  If you own a business don't hire based off of race...higher the best qualified person for the job.  Yea, I'll hook a brother up...but before that..I'll hook up who deserves and worked the hardest regardless of race.  Black people....blaming race for everything that goes wrong is starting to get old and is very counterproductive.  Not every white person hates black people and is holding us down.  In the same breath when you talk racism, why do we always think white against black.  Us blacks are racist towards whites and even towards other blacks.  Shit man...Hispanics are the new civil right era blacks.  The difference is they stick together.  Not us..we look at a well educated black person like they a white person.  But Hispanics..... Instead of giving money to Nike,  they send that shit back across the border to make sure they family eating right and have a better life.  They protest and make shit happen...we protest and fuck our own shit up.  How can we expect other races to value us when we don't value ourselves.  When we treat ourselves with respect so will other races.  To date....the african american has held ever major job title in the United States....way more the the white or black women.  What you as a parent instill is your child at birth and a young age is crucial to how they perceive and WILL BE perceived by the world.  At the end of the day I'm doing my part.. not by going back to the community and helping, which I do, but more importantly raising my own kids, teaching them values, to love one another, be productive in society, and giving them all the love and knowledge their little brains can absorb. Although my kids are mixed with black and white, society will view them as of color which is black. I don't give a shit what you say or what you think...for their own good they will be taught to surpass color and that your character is more important.  They will have the tools to live as what ever race they decide to claim if any.    One thing about me.. I call a spade a spade.  My blogs are pure, honest and although the truth hurts empowers others.  There will always be racism in this country, at least while I'm alive.  There will always be whites that side with their race and there will always be blacks who side with their own race....just because of that...race.  Races will always support their own regardless of what happens.  Its just how life is but at least its not like that for the majority of this country.  That in itself is progress.  I know blacks that support the President just because of his race...but I also know whites that hate him because of it.  He said it himself in an interview and nobody gave two shits that he said it.  Why, because its the truth. Its that elephant in the room:)  Every day I wake up and look in the mirror and know exactly who I am.... A young african american...  more important than that......................................I'm an American.  People of all races and genders have fought here and in other countries just for us to be called that.

That is all


  1. I can't even read all of this because of the lack of historical and cultural context. You are comparing two issues that stem from the same cause. Blacks being angered over someone white racist or not should never be compared to blacks killing blacks and no one saying anything about it. Both are wrong and both should call for public out cry or "justice". Both issues call for rants but not comparison.

  2. Awesome and great blog write up Tim! You tell it like it is.

