Thursday, January 16, 2014

A one on one conversation with darkness (PTSD)

First and foremost allow me to formally introduce myself.  My name is Darkness (PTSD) and I’ve been living with you for some time now.  I gave you the anger and pain you needed to survive and make it out of there alive.  Now I’m here to collect and brother I'll take any form of payment.  Here is a list of types of payments I will take, your happiness, your family, piece of mind, job, and any other things that make you happy.  However, what I really really want……is your life...…but we will work that out some other time.  You see,  I want to take everything and everyone from you.  I don’t want you to be happy, I just want it to be me and you together.  I want us to be alone just so  I can press the play button and replay every bad thing you saw or ever did in War.  Shit man,  I’m greedy…..I will even throw in some other horrible shit that happen to you before and after war.  Don’t get better and seek help because nothing is wrong with you.  Everybody around you are the ones that are fucked up.  Well wait a minute….I lied.  I will allow and encourage someone else to be a part of our team.  And brother you can pick which ever addiction you like to be the third person.  Because remember…….nobody else likes you but me.  You aint shit, your worthless, and don’t deserve any happiness AT ALL!  People close to you smile in your face and tell you nothing but bullshit.  They don’t really like you and never did.  Even the people in your own home hate your very exsistance.  And don’t get me started on that mask you wear.  Fuck you and the piece of shit mask you wear.  What are you a pussy…..You afraid to show people the real you?  You scared to tell people the truth?  The truth about what you did and how you put lives at risk?  Remember brother I know the truth.....…not all of them were justifiable…......but its your lie brother you can tell it however you want to.  Everything you have….you don’t deserve it.  Everything you get….will never be enough.  I will never allow you to be happy or others around you.  And your medication……you don’t need it.  Warriors don’t need a crutch and never will.  You seeking help and trying to better yourself means your weak.  Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately?  War has aged you brother.  The child has grown…...the dream has gone…...…you have become comfortably numb.  Lets just cash out while we can and be by ourselves.  I’ve got so many things planned for us and it starts with guilt, anger, and depression.  No matter how much help you get from the doctors it will never be like it was brother.  No matter how reseelient you are…….It will never be like it was.  Just give up and let me take charge.  I promise it will be easy for you. almost gave me the jackpot on that bottom bunk that night..And you should have.  So with that being said, what do you say brother?

Do me a favor.....Go in the kitchen....find the biggest knife in there....bring it back......and let's cut out the bullshit!

I don’t know if you know me as well as you think you do.  I'm kinda like a big deal around this Maafucka.  First off, I will never ever let you ruin and destroy my life.  I've worked too hard to get where I am for your "poor me" depressed ass to take it away from me.  All that dark shit is for the birds...I'm like a King in my own mind brother.  I will continue to better and surround myself with nothing but Love, Laughter, and Life.  No person will ever come between that...ever.  I will never hurt you the way you hurt me because we're the same person.  And your right..things will never be the same..but they WILL continue to get better.  I'm stronger and more resilient now than I've ever been my whole entire life.  Everything that happen to me it what ultimately made me who I am today...And I love myself.  You can bring up all the horrors from my past but guess what....they will NEVER consume me or my future.  You will poke your head out on occasion...but I'm in charge around this maafucka. Everything you described to try to bring me done is what makes up that spring in my step...I'm above it.  We will continue to co-exist and get to know each other...but it's on my terms and  my rules.  You will trip me up on occasion and if I can't make it back to my feet, the people I have surrounded myself with will help me.  I got more close air support, QRF, and Support by Fires than you could ever imagine. I'm the one holding YOU hostage and I make the decisions.  I know I haven’t made all the right decisions....but guess what....At least I fucking made a decision. I will continue to take medication and see doctors....Because I owe to not only myself but my family, brothers, and to my Army.  No matter what you throw at me,  I will hit that shit like Bruce Lee playing ping pong with nun chucks.....Like a Boss.  So the answer to your question is not no....but fuck no.  Take your darkness ass back to wherever you came from and don’t call me...I'll call you.

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