Friday, October 19, 2012

Is that a Woman or a 12 year old boy?

Somehow, we have told ourselves that being thin is beautiful.  I'm a firm believer in being comfortable with the body that the supreme being gave to you.  People can still be curvy and be healthy.  Since when did being skinny become the new thing?  What ever happen to the Marilyn Monroe days when curvy was beautiful.  If you are a naturally thin woman I totally understand that.  However if you spend most of your time trying to turn your body into to something that its not, there are obviously some different issues going on.  Do you know that your body isn’t made to continuously go up and down and weight? It destroys your metabolism.  Now, I know some people may say that’s easy for me to say because im skinny.  That’s partly true but I've been the same size for 12 years and my weight has always fluctuated by about 5 pounds.  I personally don’t know what it's like to struggle with weight but know people that do.  The only thing that matters is that youre  healthy.  You ever been out eating with friends and have that one person that says, " oh no I can't eat that, I would have to go work out for 3 days to burn it off". You my friend have a mental problem and you’re a fucking idiot.  The fact that you thought so far into eating a damn cookie is disturbing.  As I said before if you are a naturally thin person I get it,  but if you’re the person dying to get there that’s a problem.  What's so attractive about a woman that has the body of a 12 year old boy?  I just don’t get it.  Why in the hell would you spend your whole entire life trying to get and maintain a certain weight?  Let me clue you in on something,  if you wernt  born that size and or it’s a struggle to get there...It's not meant to fucking happen.  Life has many struggles in it,  trying to be thin shouldn’t be one of them.  I remember when I was at school a few years ago and a guy took out a picture of his wife and showed it to us. "She's smoking hot isn’t she", he said.  I'm saying to myself damn where the ass and titties at?  What do grab during doggystyle, her fucking ankles?  There is only one person authorized in this bedroom to have a dick and a six pack and that’s me.  As a man when you go to a restaurant, you order a pretty nice size steak because you know you can eat it.  You don’t want steak sauce, you want a natural flavored steak.  You don’t order a fucking 3 ounce steak it aint enough.  You order a nice size or big steak cause you know you have the KNIFE to cut the maaafucka..U understand what im saying.  Some men want small steaks cause dont need a big knife to eat it lol and you can pick up with your hand and eat it.  A real man got the tools to handle any cut of steak ya dig!.  If you have that woman in your life that’s average size and everyday she says shit like, "Im getting fat".  You need to DX (army term for exchanging items) that bitch like a pair of jungle boots with a whole that cant be taped up.  That shit will only get worse.  The bottom line is this,  be healthy but also happy with the way the supreme being made you.

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