Friday, October 19, 2012

Thank you for your service

A few days ago, I was making my weekly trip to Wegmans Grocery Store.  I don’t know if you guys know this already but Wegmans is the greatest place on earth.  Ensure that you never go there on a empty stomach because it will defiantly cost you financially. As I was leaving the store walking back to my car a lady said to me, " Thank you for your service young man".  I responded with, " I appreciate that ma'am".  You know what's interesting it, no matter how many times I here that it always brightens my day and gives me a sense of pride.  The truth of the matter is,  A lot of people truly don’t know the sacrifices that we as Soldiers and our families make.  Although most Soldiers currently serve here stateside, there is still the possibility of them leaving their families and fighting overseas.  But its words like what the woman said to me a few days ago that makes that process a little easier.  Just because the area you live may be flooded with Soldiers in uniform I guarantee that would mean a lot to them if you thanked them for their service.  Can you imagine the feeling of being a Soldier and looking your spouse and kids in the eye knowing that may be the last time you ever see them again?  That my friend is no easy thing to do.  I remember back in 2004 when I was on my way back home for mid month R&R.  We stopped in Atlanta for a layover.  As we were going up the escalator, A older man in a suit turned to me and gave me a hundred dollar bill.  "First round of drinks for you and your brothers is on me, I'm a retired Colonel", he said.  We went to the bar in the Airport and got shit faced.  As we are in the restaurant drinking them out of a house and home, people were constantly coming up to us and thanking us for our service.  Every time we would finish one drink the waitress would come over and say, "the table over there thanks you for your service and would like to buy you guys a round of drinks".  Two minutes later, " The gentleman at the bar wants to pay for all of your meals" the waitress said. "Shit", I replied " Somebody already paid for our food". "Well he wants to buy you guys shots" the waitress said.   When we finally got up from the table to go and catch out flight I promise you there were at least 20 drinks still sitting on the stand next to our table that we couldn’t even get to.  I barely made my flight back to DC I was so shit faced.  What happen to those days?  People walk right pass a Soldier in uniform as if we are wearing jeans and a T-shirt. I understand if you live or work in a place where you see Soldiers every day, you would lose your voice thanking everyone.  What I say to you is this,  If you are out and about and you see a service member simply say, "Thank you for your service".  If you are out at a bar and see a Soldier in uniform, buy them a drink.  It might not mean a lot to you, but it means the world to that Soldier.

Stay Thirsty my Friends

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