Thursday, October 25, 2012

Who was he?

Yesterday for lunch I decided to go and get my haircut.  On the way back to work I stopped by a convenient store to get something to drink.  As I walked out of the store towards my car there was an older man maybe in his 60's facing the same direction I was travelling in.  At this point he has not seen the front of my uniform.. Im halfway between him and my car and the conversation goes like this.

Old Man: How are you doing today staff sergeant (at this point he has only seen the back of me not the front of my uniform)

Me: Im fine thank you

Old Man: Can you spare 75 cents

Me: I don’t think I do (as I put my hands in my pocket to check, I realize that I have 75 cents exactly) wait sir I do have 75 cents.

Old Man:  Thank you staff sergeant...Thats a nice car you have it a Toyota?

Me: No sir it’s a lexus

Old Man: It’s the same thing..You must really like cars staff sergeant

Me: I do (then the conversation goes quiet as we are making eye contact)

Old Man: You will be fine staff sergeant.....

Me: .......(Making eye contact)

Old Man:  You will be ok...

Me: Have a good Day Sir

As I got in the car and headed back to work, my emotions started and my eyes watered.  I couldn’t tell you why but it was what he said at the end that really did something to me.  It felt as if I knew him..not physically but emotionally.  His clothes were old but they were clean.  His hair and beard were thick but trimmed.  I'm not sure what it all meant.

Stay Frosty out there

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