Thursday, August 9, 2012

1st Official Blog

Well Well Well..Its been a long time coming.  Starting a blog has been something that I have been thinking about for a very long time.  I have always been told that I had pretty awesome way of delivering a message and getting my point across.  With the help of FaceBook friends and old battle buddies asking me to start a blog....... I bring you, "Thoughts of a Predicated Infantryman".  I like to post on a variety of things and promise my blogs will never be boring.  Most of all of my blogs will be based off of things that I witness or random thoughts that I have throughout the day.  I will only post stuff that myself or others will enjoy.  Many factors will play a part in how often I update the Blog and I will do my best to give you the goods:)... With that being said...... Lets roll right into the fact that Outback Steakhouses Steaks.........of all things taste like hot shit. How in the hell does your Brown bread you serve in the beginning just to make me full to offset those small ass daycare portions better than your steaks.  You specialize in steaks....How can you guys fuck that up.. Its like Papa Johns Pizza tasting like shit, but the box it came in is was well designed lol.. I mean don't get me wrong,  The New York Strip looked amazing, but tasted like they didn't add not a sprinkle of seasoning.  As a matter of fact, "Chili's" Rib Eye taste pretty damn good and they don't specialize in steaks...They are better know for that gay ass baby back rib song, a place to get shit faced, and the lovely Molten Chocolate Cake.  And might I add, one scoop of ice cream is never enough for me, so I always order an extra scoop.. They charge two bucks for that like they got a midget in the back churning that shit from scratch.  In Infantry Language... "HOW THE HELL YOU  DONT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SHIFT AND LIFT  FIRE"  but the Airforce dude is tracking what it means...... Its your sure as hell better be good at it.  As a guy,  you have to do a few things to keep your masculinity up and eating a steak is one of them..  Do you have any idea what people thought when they walked pass and saw a half eating steaks but a sweet potato with nothing but skin left on my plate...the complete opposite of masculinity.  Bottom line is...don't go to outback for steaks..go to  Chilli's for midgets and ice cream:)


  1. Dito on chili's. Lol congrats on the blog slick. Its about time :) )

  2. Chili's has midgets? WTF I haven't seen any of those little bastards. Other then that the blog is a great idea bro. I love a good Tim Huggins rant

  3. Congrats!! Slick rants r the best! Really wish u posted a pic of the "chili's midgets" lmao

  4. Damn man! I didn't even know you could get a second scoop of ice cream. I've been fucking up this whole time? Fail!

    Also, stop going to Outback Steak House or Longhorn's or whatever other bullshit "steak house" is out by you. Those spots are the Mcdolands of steak houses. Hit up a quality locally owned place by you.

  5. Bookmarked an will be following u huggy. They have good lamb chops, but yeah if your a steak house and your steaks blow (which yes they do very much) you r fucked. I got a steak there a few weeks ago and it tasted as if the cook lost the lid to the seasoning on it it was so overestimating seasoned that it burnt my mouth and nostrils you could scrape it off with a fork. My girlfriend ordered a lobster tail but they gave her a fucking craw dad tail or a baby midget lobster. Look forward to more post!
