Friday, August 10, 2012

A Womans Dream of Marriage

Marriage is an interesting thing.  At least for the Woman it is.  Every since they were little girls, marriage was pushed on them.  Barbie I think had a husband named Ken but that was the fakeout because Ken was hanging out with He-man and Lionel from the Thundercats lol.  But back to the topic, Most of all the toys and games that little girls played had some sort of a marriage, wife, or girlfriend type theme.  You can even look back to the days of playing house.  Your character wasn’t single, you had a husband and you did what you thought life consisted of.  As you got older it all started to become clearer.  Society told you that you had to get married, have kids, have a house with a picket fence, be a soccer mom, and have a large SUV or Minivan.  As a woman you will do whatever you have to do to ensure that this happens.  Now there are a few defectors who decided to do none of the things above and or alter a few of them and that’s perfectly fine.  But majority get sold the dream and work their entire lives to achieve this.  No let's talk about the single women's hunt for the husband and family.  Most women create this super perfect model in their head that looks like Denzel or Brad Pitt, with the body of a Gladiator, the smarts of Bill Gates, and a father like qualities of Dr. Heathcliff "Cliff" Huxtable from the Cosby show.  The funny thing about that is...This person that you have created in your head doesn't exist.  Even if he did you have to be Solid and good looking enough to pull that type of a man.  Looking for a man is like shopping, " you would love to buy something from Neiman Marcus, but Walmart is more in your price range".  Once you find a good man, you do everything in this world to hear these statements,

Will you marry me
I pronounce you man and wife
I'm pregnant
It’s a boy or Girl
We are new home owners  
We need a minivan or big SUV

You work your whole entire single life to hear those things.  Some of you have heard those things a few times.  But remember, those are the things that society has engrained in your brain.  If you decide to change or not comply with any of those things,  people will look at you as if  you've done something wrong.  People get so caught up in what a traditional marriage consist of.  The bottom line is you have to tweak your marriage to benefit BOTH OF YOU.  Now once a woman achieves all of those goals,  the question becomes what are her new goals now that she has these things.  The bottom line is, most women don’t create new goals.  According to them, why should they.  They have fulfilled their dream  they've worked their how entire life to achieve.  That my friend is the beginning of a failing marriage.  The woman must establish new and recurring goals. The most simply one is to maintain all of those things you worked hard to get.  Just because you have them doesn't give you the right to slack on your duties.  You have to keep those things to include but not limited to your husband.  Most women tend to think, "Well now that I have him he will automatically stay here.  I call bullshit, because I have seen men walk away from a marriage that has 4 kids because the wife lost focus. Now I know some women are like I should do a blog about men and their quest for marriage.  Here is that blog, " We don't have a quest for marriage, only to reproduce and keep a low stress level in life". Whatever happens in accordance with those things are fine as long as its minimal drama and stress.  Also, Men aren't big on planning, why because that's stressful.  Majority of men are just good ole plain simple:).  If you are fortunate enough to have those things in life, the journey doesn't end there.  You have to do your part to keep them:)


  1. I'm calling BS on this. A marriage is a 2 way street.

    1. Of course marriage is a two way street...but the blog is called a woman's dream of marriage

    2. I'm a women. and this was not my dream of a marriage.

  2. I am going to write a blog about the tomgirl that didn't play barbies cuz she was to busy playing football and did want the above but got "gold". Don't mind her ...she is a little bitter at her late husband for suckering her into marriage and kids and the big house and then dies...lmao. she walks by his smiling picture and smacks it with her flip flop and thanks him for leaving her here with all of it to deal with. Now her 9th grader is looking into big time colleges and she knows she is going to have to work the poll to pull this one off....lmfao. don't mind me, my life is pretty funny : )
