Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Army Combat Action Badge

Just FYI...The Combat Action Badge and the person who came up with the idea is gay (not the people who actually wear them) or if you were assigned to Infantry Guys you are good to go:).. Every time I see that the back of my head I'm like, "its looks so gay" Here is the bottom line..Some Loser higher up with no badges on his chest got tired of looking at the Infantry dudes with CIB's and said to himself, " I know I get a Combat Patch, but....but I wanted something to wear on my chest since I don’t have the balls to go to a school and earn something. Us non-infantry deserve something other than a combat patch..we are engaging the enemy too..I wish I had the balls to be an infantryman". And whats with Soldiers saying dumb shit like, " We did the same shit the Infantry Dudes did" And whats you point buddy...I worked with Spec Ops Before..And guess what I don’t get a Long Tab because of it. .. If I do buddy Aid under Fire do I get a Combat medic Badge.. The answer is no. Anybody can get hit by the enemy..But there are certain MOS's that can maneuver in ways unknown to man.. Just ask yourself this..When your POG ass get jammed up and the only answer is boots on the SF or Air Support.. Who you calling..Those Same Dirty nasty filthy stinky crazy ass dudes that you talk shit about and make fun of cause they out there doing PT in the Combat zone while you talk on the phone with your Family all day. When you see someone with any badge or award..feel free to ask him how he got it..And here is the catch.. If he knows you well...He might tell you..If he don’t know you..he wont tell you shit and might even get hostile with you lol...Ask any Infantryman where is the worst place he's slept, Longest he's gone without eating, Longest he's been without washing his ass, The most amount of shit he's carried, the worst he's been treated by another MOS, The longest he's walked, how many times he's trained and slept in terrible weather conditions..there are select MOS's who because they are assigned to Infantry Battalions or Brigades..They have to go through all the shit I just described just like We do. And I say we..I don’t serve as an Infantryman fact my new MOS is Aviation.. But being an 11B isn’t just an MOS..ITS A WAY OF LIFE. We all have our Job's in the Army:) Be proud of YOURS:) Combat Action Badge = GAY!

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