Friday, August 24, 2012

Facebook, tell me you love me

I remember a few years ago when I started my Facebook page.  It was such a thrill to be able to catch with friends from school and Soldiers that I served with.  Facebook helped to answer that question of, "Whatever happen to ........"  But it seems that some of the thrill has gone, at least according to me.  Not a day goes by without someone posting some overly depressing shit.  Most of the time it’s the same people.  Its always, "poor me, I hate my life, men ain't shit, women ain't shit, and I hate my job."  Not to mention the people who's relationship status changes back and fourth at least once a month.  Some people just flat out need to be and feel loved.  So they post something to feel that love and validation.  Don’t get me wrong, I love posting stuff on Facebook.  But I try to post things that are funny, motivating, or something for veterans.  Nobody should visit your Facebook page and feel sorry for you.  Granted there are things that happen in our lives that are bad...I got that.  But if every other post on your page is some sad depressing shit, you need to turn around take a knee and drink water because you're fucking up.  I mean, its your facebook page and you can post whatever you want.  My motto is, " Don't post anything that you wouldn't say in front of an audience or the people on your friend list.  Shit you think life is bad for you, go find a wounded warrior. Trust me, they ain't whining about shit, missing limb and all.  They are happy and motivated to live life.  Who the hell are you to complain and whine about dumb shit.  Did you ever stop and think that maybe you're the fucking problem.  Maybe the reason you cant seem to get shit right is the because of the person in the mirror.  Do understand, bad shit happens in my life just like everybody else.  The difference is, I'm not going to spread that shit to anybody else.  I don't need anybody feeling sad for me, I rather you motivate me and give me guidance and direction.  How many times have you visited someones page and saw some sad bullshit?  You take time out of your day to reach out to that person and help them.  They ignore your extended hand like a fine chick at the club lol.  All they wanted was your sympathy and your attention and know that they have it can go fuck yourself.  About two weeks later they do the same damn thing again.  If I extend a hand to help you and you ignore it,  I will not be extending it again.  You could ignore their post and even block it.  I personally don't block people's feeds on my page.  To be honest with you, its a reminder to me of how not to be.  The truth of the matter is, we need these people in life.  Just like we need night and day as well as the air we breath.  Not everyone in life is perfect and has good days everyday.  However, if there is a pattern of negative sad tell me you love me bullshit you need to stay away from these people.  They always say, "Misery loves company" and the person who came up with that saying is dead on.  Like I said before, its your page and you can do whatever you want.  Just remember that the person reading it is saying something along the line of, "  This person is a fucking loser".  If you want someone to love you, validate you, or fester in your depressed life, you should start with yourself.  Ain't nobody got time for that bullshit.  I got work to do, mouths to feed and get back to my job of motivating the masses. If your not here to inspire, help other, and be a positive person that people can come to....Punch yourself in the neck cause you're fucking up.  Some of you may say, " This guy thinks he knows everything and acts like his shit don't stink".  Guess what, I don't know everything...just enough to appear as if I do.  And my shit does stink however, it goes in a toilet and I flush it afterwards.  I don't carry it around for all the world to see and smell. 

In closing I say this quote.

It is the destiny of the weak to be devoured by the strong.”
Otto von Bismarck


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