Thursday, December 27, 2012

Tattoo's 101

Tattoo's are an amazing form of art and expression.  Some people are into them and some people are not.  I've always had a fascination with them every since I got my first about 12 years ago.  My rules for tattoo's has always been the same, There has to be some sort of emotional connection to the art.  Every single one that I have has a story behind it.  Sometimes I tell the story and sometimes I choose not to.  Over the past few years there has been an explosion of people getting tattoo's.  Its kinda at a point where people go from having none in the month of January to having a whole arm sleeve by February.  How many times have you asked someone what a their tattoo means and the response makes absolutely no sense at all.  Don’t get me wrong, it's your body and you can do to it whatever you like to it.  I will just tell you to take the time and make sure a tattoo is what you want. Another interesting thing is that people think that by getting tattoo's it automatically makes you some sort of bad ass and that is not the case at all.  I blame the NBA and the music industry for that lol.  There have been times that people have come to me and asked me about my tattoo artist and ask me to show them my art.  A few of them ask, "Does he have decent prices?"  Let me key you in on a secret, "GOOD ART WORK IS PRICELESS".  If your main concern is how much it cost than you clearly don’t understand how tattoo's work.  You want an awesome price or awesome work?  Having both only really happens when you develop a relationship with that artist over time.  If you are considering getting a tattoo find the person with the best looking art and that’s who you ask.  A person can have just 1 tattoo or 50, you still ask the person with the best looking art.  You can be covered in tattoo's but if they all look like shit what's the point in having them. Years ago tattoo's were for hippy's, weirdo's, bikers, veterans, and dudes that did time in the pen.  Now it's more for people who think it makes them a badass or look cool.  I remember a few year meeting a guy that had two tribal arm sleeves and thinking to myself, "Why in the hell would you get a tribal tattoo when you clearly are not from that tribe nor have a fucking clue to what it really means?"  Thanks to these tattoo whores, there's a tattoo parlor on every corner putting bullshit on peoples bodies.  Oh and here are the definitions of a tattoo whore..

Tattoo Whore = A person who goes out and gets a tattoo to fit in, look cool, or look like a bad ass. ; A person who gets a mass amount of tattoo's in a short period of time who does not fit in the category of hippy, weirdo, biker, veterans or served jail time; a person who chooses price over quality of work; A person who goes and gets a tattoo that a famous person has;

Also, any person that tells you tattoo's don’t hurt is fucking lie.  Some places on your body hurt more than others but the bottom line is that they all hurt.  A good way to tell if you have shitty art work is to go and show someone your tattoo to a person who has a lot of nice work.  This doesn't work if both of you have shitty artwork.  And just ask, "what do you think of my artwork?"

In closing I will say this,

Whatever tattoo you get now in life, will be with you later in life.

Stay Thirsty my Friends

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The conversation I had with Mitt..That never took place

(I am sitting with The Mitt Romney Family on the couch across from him at the hotel watching as the votes start to come in. I was invited up there because I'm a bad ass and everyone wants to be around me:)

Waiter:  Can I get you a drink Mr. Huggins?

Me:  Yes, I will have a Captain Double on the Rocks.

Me:  Mitt, you want a drink?

Romney:  Yes Mr. Higgins, I will have a Bottle of apple Cider please

Me:  Its Huggins not Higgins

Romney:  That’s what I said Higgins

( As the votes start to come in, Romney is in the lead and room erupts in happiness and cheers)

Romney:  We are going to win this election

(I sit back in my chair cross my legs and fire up a cigar as my $1000 pair of Prada shoes look as if they were custom made for my feet)

Me: Hey Mrs. Romney can you pass me and astray please

Ann: of course

(As more votes start to come in Obama takes the lead and the room because quiet)

Ann:  Oh my god, what's that smell?

Me: Sorry about that, I had Chipotle earlier

Romney:  What country is that?

Me:  It’s a tex mex restaurant

Romney:  My father was from Mexico

Me: Good for you Mitt......Good for you

(Obama's lead starts to grow as we watch Fox news)

Me:  Hey waiter can you grab me a box of tissue, a snickers bar, The IPod loaded with the song by James Ingram Called, "Just Once", and some baby powder.

Waiter:  Yes Mr. Huggins

Me:  Hey Mitt, are you guys going back Massachusetts tonight?

Romney:  Why yes we are

Me: Cool, I would like to stay here tonight in this hotel room if that’s ok.

Romney:  Sure

(Fox News projects President Obama will be Re-Elected)

Aid to Romney:  This can't be happening

Me: It's happening my friend and I suggest you sit your ass down and take this beating

(A tear rolls down Romney's eye)

Me:  Can you all excuse me and Mitt for a moment please?  Hey you stay in here

(I sit on the table right in front of Mitt and I lift his head up and hand a tiny piece of tissue.  I open of the Snickers wrapper and hand it to him)

Romney:  I don’t understand how this happened

Me:  You did good Mitt.. But not good enough.  The American people have spoken and they have spoken clearly...Look at me Mitt..Look at me in my eyes.

( He lifts his head up and I wipe a tear from his eye)

Me:  Waiter...hand my that Johnson's baby powder

( I sprinkle some in my right hand and raise it high in the sky as if I was in 2nd grade and knew the answer to the teachers question......With one quick motion.....I SMACK THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF MITT AND He falls flat on the couch...he looks over to the hotel closet and out jumps Dave Chappell dressed as Rick James:


Chappell:  it’s a celebratiooon...enjoy yourself!

Me:  Hey, Waiter?  Show Mr. Romney to door and give him a copy of the bus schedule..I'm sure that’s something new to him

(Dave Chappell is on the floor rolling around laughing his ass off)

( Before we close the door Mitt turns to me)

Romney:  Why did you smack me?

Me:  .......I did it for the 47 percent Mitt...The 47 percent....You must have been a damn fool to think you had a chance in hell on winning.. Stay frosty Mitt...Cause its gonna be cold as hell waiting outside for the bus.

(Dave Chappell runs over to the door to shake Mitt's Mitt reaches out to shake it..Dave pulls it back quick:

Chappell:  SIKE! LOL

(Slams the Door)

Waiter:  Mr. Huggins what did you do with the IPod that you asked for

Me:  I slipped it in Mitt Romney's pocket

(As Mitt Finally gets on the bus he finds the IPod in his pocket and turns it on.)
(Out of the speakers belts a soft voice that says, " I did my best but I guess my best wasn't good enough Cause here we are back where we were before Seems nothing ever changes, we're back to being strangers Wondering if we oughta stay or head on out the door"

Stay Thirsty my Friends

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Who was he?

Yesterday for lunch I decided to go and get my haircut.  On the way back to work I stopped by a convenient store to get something to drink.  As I walked out of the store towards my car there was an older man maybe in his 60's facing the same direction I was travelling in.  At this point he has not seen the front of my uniform.. Im halfway between him and my car and the conversation goes like this.

Old Man: How are you doing today staff sergeant (at this point he has only seen the back of me not the front of my uniform)

Me: Im fine thank you

Old Man: Can you spare 75 cents

Me: I don’t think I do (as I put my hands in my pocket to check, I realize that I have 75 cents exactly) wait sir I do have 75 cents.

Old Man:  Thank you staff sergeant...Thats a nice car you have it a Toyota?

Me: No sir it’s a lexus

Old Man: It’s the same thing..You must really like cars staff sergeant

Me: I do (then the conversation goes quiet as we are making eye contact)

Old Man: You will be fine staff sergeant.....

Me: .......(Making eye contact)

Old Man:  You will be ok...

Me: Have a good Day Sir

As I got in the car and headed back to work, my emotions started and my eyes watered.  I couldn’t tell you why but it was what he said at the end that really did something to me.  It felt as if I knew him..not physically but emotionally.  His clothes were old but they were clean.  His hair and beard were thick but trimmed.  I'm not sure what it all meant.

Stay Frosty out there

Friday, October 19, 2012

Is that a Woman or a 12 year old boy?

Somehow, we have told ourselves that being thin is beautiful.  I'm a firm believer in being comfortable with the body that the supreme being gave to you.  People can still be curvy and be healthy.  Since when did being skinny become the new thing?  What ever happen to the Marilyn Monroe days when curvy was beautiful.  If you are a naturally thin woman I totally understand that.  However if you spend most of your time trying to turn your body into to something that its not, there are obviously some different issues going on.  Do you know that your body isn’t made to continuously go up and down and weight? It destroys your metabolism.  Now, I know some people may say that’s easy for me to say because im skinny.  That’s partly true but I've been the same size for 12 years and my weight has always fluctuated by about 5 pounds.  I personally don’t know what it's like to struggle with weight but know people that do.  The only thing that matters is that youre  healthy.  You ever been out eating with friends and have that one person that says, " oh no I can't eat that, I would have to go work out for 3 days to burn it off". You my friend have a mental problem and you’re a fucking idiot.  The fact that you thought so far into eating a damn cookie is disturbing.  As I said before if you are a naturally thin person I get it,  but if you’re the person dying to get there that’s a problem.  What's so attractive about a woman that has the body of a 12 year old boy?  I just don’t get it.  Why in the hell would you spend your whole entire life trying to get and maintain a certain weight?  Let me clue you in on something,  if you wernt  born that size and or it’s a struggle to get there...It's not meant to fucking happen.  Life has many struggles in it,  trying to be thin shouldn’t be one of them.  I remember when I was at school a few years ago and a guy took out a picture of his wife and showed it to us. "She's smoking hot isn’t she", he said.  I'm saying to myself damn where the ass and titties at?  What do grab during doggystyle, her fucking ankles?  There is only one person authorized in this bedroom to have a dick and a six pack and that’s me.  As a man when you go to a restaurant, you order a pretty nice size steak because you know you can eat it.  You don’t want steak sauce, you want a natural flavored steak.  You don’t order a fucking 3 ounce steak it aint enough.  You order a nice size or big steak cause you know you have the KNIFE to cut the maaafucka..U understand what im saying.  Some men want small steaks cause dont need a big knife to eat it lol and you can pick up with your hand and eat it.  A real man got the tools to handle any cut of steak ya dig!.  If you have that woman in your life that’s average size and everyday she says shit like, "Im getting fat".  You need to DX (army term for exchanging items) that bitch like a pair of jungle boots with a whole that cant be taped up.  That shit will only get worse.  The bottom line is this,  be healthy but also happy with the way the supreme being made you.

Thank you for your service

A few days ago, I was making my weekly trip to Wegmans Grocery Store.  I don’t know if you guys know this already but Wegmans is the greatest place on earth.  Ensure that you never go there on a empty stomach because it will defiantly cost you financially. As I was leaving the store walking back to my car a lady said to me, " Thank you for your service young man".  I responded with, " I appreciate that ma'am".  You know what's interesting it, no matter how many times I here that it always brightens my day and gives me a sense of pride.  The truth of the matter is,  A lot of people truly don’t know the sacrifices that we as Soldiers and our families make.  Although most Soldiers currently serve here stateside, there is still the possibility of them leaving their families and fighting overseas.  But its words like what the woman said to me a few days ago that makes that process a little easier.  Just because the area you live may be flooded with Soldiers in uniform I guarantee that would mean a lot to them if you thanked them for their service.  Can you imagine the feeling of being a Soldier and looking your spouse and kids in the eye knowing that may be the last time you ever see them again?  That my friend is no easy thing to do.  I remember back in 2004 when I was on my way back home for mid month R&R.  We stopped in Atlanta for a layover.  As we were going up the escalator, A older man in a suit turned to me and gave me a hundred dollar bill.  "First round of drinks for you and your brothers is on me, I'm a retired Colonel", he said.  We went to the bar in the Airport and got shit faced.  As we are in the restaurant drinking them out of a house and home, people were constantly coming up to us and thanking us for our service.  Every time we would finish one drink the waitress would come over and say, "the table over there thanks you for your service and would like to buy you guys a round of drinks".  Two minutes later, " The gentleman at the bar wants to pay for all of your meals" the waitress said. "Shit", I replied " Somebody already paid for our food". "Well he wants to buy you guys shots" the waitress said.   When we finally got up from the table to go and catch out flight I promise you there were at least 20 drinks still sitting on the stand next to our table that we couldn’t even get to.  I barely made my flight back to DC I was so shit faced.  What happen to those days?  People walk right pass a Soldier in uniform as if we are wearing jeans and a T-shirt. I understand if you live or work in a place where you see Soldiers every day, you would lose your voice thanking everyone.  What I say to you is this,  If you are out and about and you see a service member simply say, "Thank you for your service".  If you are out at a bar and see a Soldier in uniform, buy them a drink.  It might not mean a lot to you, but it means the world to that Soldier.

Stay Thirsty my Friends

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I've been meaning to write about this topic because it's something that’s near and dear to my heart.  Yesterday as I was sitting in the living room after dinner, my son was in the bathroom getting ready to take a shower.  He was standing in front of the mirror looking at his stomach.  My wife said to him, " What are you doing?"  He replied back with, " I'm Fat". I asked him," Who told you that you were fat?"  He said the 5th graders call him fat.  For any of you who have ever seen my son, he's about my size just 22 years younger.  Growing up I was never bullied until I got to high school.  I remember this one big black dirty dusty motherfucker that would take my lunch money and I was scared shitless of him.  There use to be a hallway by the auditorium that didn’t have a lot of traffic.  One day I was walking pass it and I saw him walking towards me.  He asked me if I had any money and I said no.  He proceeded to push me into a corner, went into my pockets and took my lunch money.  What did I do to deserve for that to happen to me.  Another time in that same hallway I thought I made it to the other side only for me to open the door and have him standing right there.  This time he wasn’t as nice about it.  He asked me for my lunch money and my bus tokens.  I reached in my pocket and gave everything I had to him. For no reason he started choking and told me to give him more money.  He scared me so bad I pissed myself.  I can kinda laugh about it now but it wasn’t funny to me then.  Bullying is something that I take personal because nobody deserves to go through anything like that.  Yea I turned out pretty well despite those things but a lot of kids don’t.  Most parents know of their kids are bullies or not.  If you’re the parent that gets called by school about your child constantly teasing and putting his hands on kids....Suck start the nearest firearm or rifle and do us all a favor.  Your kids get out of control because you allow them to.  You let them run over you, disrespect you and do whatever the hell they want.  Your motto normally is," I don’t know what else to do I think he has A.D.D. or some sort of mental and emotional problem.  I have a newsflash for you,  your child needs his or her shit split in half.  It's just like owning a dog, "YOU MUST ESTABLISH WHO THE ALPHA IS AND WHO'S HOUSE IT BELONGS TO".  I'm not saying that I beat my kids, what I am saying is they know who the Commander and 1SG are.  If you have ever told your child to do something and they mouthed off to you, that my friend is an epic fail.  You are a parent and nothing that you say is negotiable.  Its your way or the highway.  Just remember these types of kids will one day become adults and potentially a problem in society.  I am society, and I don’t want to be the one to teach your kid a lesson.  One day I was in wegmans shopping for a new family lol..and I saw a little but shove what appeared to be his My son is taught that bullying and teasing kids is not tolerating but if someone hits him to hit them twice as hard back.  I understand that sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me, but sometimes they do.  You have kids that are terrified of going to school out of fear of bullies.  Just go to youtube and type in bullying, you will be surprised at some of the shit you see.  No child deserves to be treated that way period.  School is suppose to be a place of learning and growth, not a place of torture and traumatic experiences. 

Stay Thirsty my Friends

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Viper Platoon Redux

(My thoughts on the plane to Vegas)
Today is one of the most important events of my life. I will be reunited with a group of men that I haven't seen in almost 7 years. Some of this countries finest Soldiers. Although all of them won't be in attendance due to most of us still actively serving our military and government. One of our brothers lost his life earlier this year. This will be an opportunity to not only celebrate his life but to celebrate that we still have ours to live. Most of us have kept contact through Facebook and phone calls but have not physically seen each other since 2005. I left the Army the very same year after we returned from Iraq. To be honest, I never thought I would see any of them again and would have been perfectly fine with that. The tour in Iraq drained the life out of me as I'm sure it did to many others. Unfortunately, you could never turn your back on your brothers. Men that have seen you at your best and worst. Men that covered your ass when shit got intense . We did our job and we did it well, but most importantly we did it together. We are the great men of 1st Platoon (Vipers). Some of our brothers aren't ready for this epic journey and completely understand and will not hold it against them. For us who are, we make the trip to Las Vegas and recharge the bond. The very same bond that kept us together......and alive. Most of us have never talked about that part of our life but what better time than now. To share it with the very same men that were apart of it...apart of what made you who you are today. I'm not sure what to expect out of this trip or how it will turn out. A good man once said, " You miss all of the shots you never take". Today I will take my shot.


Well I landed in Las Vegas safely and so did my luggage. My hotel of choice for this Vegas trip would be Circus Circus and I hopped in the cab and headed there. First thing I will say is looking at it from the outside you think to yourself, "Man....this is a ShitHole". The inside is a lot better and the room I stayed in was up there with the Marriott and Hilton and so was the room service. I only paid like 60 bucks a night and I would recommend this as a cheap but good place to stay. The only problem is that its almost at the end of the strip. My old platoon sergeant Mark called me and told me we would be meeting at the Lynyrd Skynyrd Bar-b-que restaurant inside the Excalibur Casino in about an hour. So I catch a cab there and walk into the restaurant and take a seat. In walks Mark and my old platoon leader Nate and they all looked the same way they did 7 years ago. The 3 of us take our seats, order drinks, and pick up right where we left off from 2005. We caught up on old times and talk about or tour in Iraq. I couldn't help but notice that out of a platoon of over 30 Soldiers, only 3 of us showed up. I can't speak for Nate and Mark but I was totally disappointed with that. Granted I understand that some are deployed or cant get away from their jobs. The bottom line is this, some people said they were going to come and didn’t and we got over that fairly quick. On another note the Restaurants food was pretty damn good and all the waitresses wore cowboy boots and booty shorts except for the one taking care of our table....She was pregnant. After we were done eating we went over to some of the tables in the casino to gamble a little bit. The 1st table of choice was craps, and let me tell some of you this, if you have ever shot dice (Craps) in the streets, it does not work on casino tables. The employees don't like our bad habits and will give you the, "this guy must be cheating cause he's doing dice tricks and saying things that rhyme" look. After we left that casino we walked around a little bit and ran into some guys from England. If you have ever seen the Episode of Family Guy where the Clam (Local Bar) closes down and some guys from England bought it? Well that’s how these guys looked and talked . The one ring leader of the group always seemed to have an extra watery mouth and  the hardest thing he had to do every day was keep control of it. They all had that extremely deep English accent. The accent sounds amazing if your James Bond or Victoria Beckham but not if you look like characters off of Austin Powers. So no shit there I was...Check Liver Light on and my Bladder on full. My bladder tells me it’s time to find the nearest bathroom and my feet lead the way. I go right into the women’s bathroom walking fast as hell pulling out my garden hose getting ready to water the grass. Soon as I got into a stall the bathroom attendant says, "Hey, you better put that thing away and get outta here" There were some other women yelling something but it sounded inviting as I put my hotdog and pork and beans back in my pants and picked up a 8 minute mile pace running out of the bathroom. What I will say is, from the time I walked in the bathroom til when I came out all happened in about 6 seconds flat.  At around 5 am something interesting happened. You know when your car gets really low on gas, fuel light comes on, and the instrument panel shows you how many miles you got until your car breaks down? Well my body told me I had 20 minutes to get back to the room or it would break down. I mean you gotta think we had been drinking since 2pm that day and it was 5am the next morning. So I stumble into the room and dive on the bed. I start to here that liquid sound in my stomach every time I roll over. Into the bathroom I go fingers down my throat with a mental thought of 2 Girls one cup meets a dirty china town buffet with flies on the food and that works. Not a fucking ounce of food in this toilet just straight captain morgan. I hop right in bed and pass the fuck out around 530am. Wake up around 12pm and order a pizza and lemonade. 20 minutes later someone knocks on the door and the food is here. "I can bring it in and put it on the table for you, " the hotel lady says. I take the pizza, soda, and pay her all before she could finish that sentence. I dont really remember what happen later on that night. I know I went and got an Iphone at one point during this trip. We also took a trip down to the old strip to see the Pawn Stars place and the older casino's. Mark says to Nate, "We should just walk to the old strip". Me and Nate look at each other with the ,"We dont feel like walking face" Mark convinces us to walk anyway. The old Strip is pretty good. The average age down there has to be at least 75 years old. Also dont ever walk to the strip, walking there looks like a scene out of the movie, "Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome". Once you actually get there your good and I would recommend you go here if you ever go to Vegas. I know one of our nights here we called it quits at a pretty decent time. I remember the cab driver telling me about a strip club called, "Sapphire". I figure sense it was only two blocks away I could go there by myself and hang out for a bit. That place was stacked pretty damn well. They had nothing but 8 through 10's in there. Just imagine going to a night club to dance and your squeezing through the crowd. In this case the crowd happened to be strippers. Strippers at the bars drinking, strippers giving other strippers lap dances, Strippers using strippers as furniture while getting a dance for another stripper lol. You remember when Michael Jackson was in his prime and performing on stage? Do you know what would happen to him if he would have jumped into the crowd? Well thats what happens when you walk around in Sapphire. I was scared to sit down because every time I did a 10 when try to come sit on my lap. And I don't mean sit like how you used to sit your ass cheek on one of grandma's legs either. I mean sit on your lap and potentially become pregnant sit on your lap lol. I did two laps around the club. You know what’s funny is whenever I would see a 10, I would put my head down and not make eye contact. They are trained very well there and know exactly what to say and do. The men there walk around in a zombie like trance being pulled by the strippers. They say they have well over 200 women a night there and if you counted it would be pretty damn close. So our last night in Vegas we decided to go to a dinner buffet. As I'm in the line getting food I look behind me and Mark has a plate and mouth full of food as well as a slice of pizza in his hand. We all sit down and halfway through Nate loosen ups his belt to make room for desserts. We pounded our faces with tons of food. What’s interesting about coming to Vegas this time is the trip wasn't really meant for fun. It was more so to recharge the bond that was formed years ago on the battlefield. For me, it was an important piece on the path to accepting and letting go of things that happened in Iraq. Even though we didn't spend our whole entire trip talking about these things, just being able to be around them and reminisce was all I needed. Watching them make fun of each other just the way they did years ago was priceless. There was never a quiet moment and no matter what we did or where we went in Vegas, It was just good to be together again and that my friend is priceless.



Monday, September 17, 2012

Lazy America

A few days ago, I was sitting in my car at the 7 Eleven.  There were two older American men standing outside asking for spare change.  On the other side of the parking were at least about 25 men from Central or South America looking for work.  Not looking for handout's,  looking for fucking work.  Pan your field of vision about 90 degrees and the American men are begging for fucking change.  You know what's amazing?  The fact the some other countries are so shitty, that a motherfucker will risk their lives just to get into America.  Have you seen the shit that we complain about it this country.  We think that automatically, we are entitled to a bunch of shit because we are Americans.  I remember a few months ago, someone I knew who lived in Waldorf, MD.  He said there were not a lot of jobs in that area and I suggested Alexandria, VA which is about 20 miles away.  His response was, "I'm not driving 20 miles for a damn job, I rather get unemployment".  Are you fucking serious? You can't drive 20 miles to get a job that pays 18 dollars an hour and you need no expiereince? I can't stress enough that people from other countries come here to have a better life. To have the life that we complain about.  I heard a story about a man born in Nigeria who drives 200 miles to work and comes home to visit his family on the weekends. Not most American's,  oh that’s too far for us to drive.  If the job aint 3 blocks down the road we don’t want it.  Don't get me wrong, all Americans aren't lazy. But, majority of us are. Do you remember when you were a child in school and teacher asked you, "What do you wanna be when you grow up?"  No matter what your answer was, there was at least a chance of you actually becoming that when you became an adult.  Not too many countries have that luxury, but we do.  The only thing stopping you from becoming a doctor, lawyer, police officer, Secretary of State, Actor, or whatever the hell you wanna be.....IS YOU.  Nobody is standing in your way preventing this from happening and if they are, you need to move around them.  You can't go around thinking that everything will be handed to you.  The moment you start expected things to be handed to you is the moment you realize your arm is getting tired from holding your hand out.  We won't get off our ass to do something but will be quick to move our mouths to complain about it.  Here's another thing, You ever meet someone over the age of 21 who somehow someway still lives at home with their parent?  Granted, there are a few reason why this would be acceptably i.e. parents are sick or something like that.  But if you don’t fall in the that type of category why the fuck would you still be living with your parents.  If you’re a parent, why the hell would you have a grown ass adult living under your roof?  Who cares if they pay bills...get the fuck out and get your own.  You a grown ass adult still writing your name on juice in the fridge.  You tell your friends that your parents live with you and not the other way around.  Hey, It's your lie Pimp, tell it how you want to!  As a Parent, it's your job to teach your kids all the tools they need to be successful in life.  You have to tell them, "You got 6 months after graduation to get the fuck out!" Join a cult, military or something but you will have to leave. Bottom line is, A lazy ass teenager becomes a lazy ass adult.  You give your children everything and never require them to get off their ass....Once your done its only common that they expect others to just hand them shit.  Teach your kids that they have to work hard and that nothing will be handed to them.  Tell them that once they leave your house, it will no longer be available for them to sleep there unless they live out of town and are coming to visit for no more than 5 night lol.  Stay Frosty my friends:)

Friday, August 31, 2012

The Infantrydude talks Hygiene and Shit

Once upon a time, I was a dirty, nasty, filthy, stank ass Infantryman. Out in the field, it’s highly possible to find grunts that haven't brushed their teeth, washed their ass, or done anything to clean themselves or smell good. The fucked up thing is, there are people all around you who live this way. How many times have you run into an old friend at work and ran up to give them a hug or handshake, but happen to notice a foul but yet disturbing smell coming out of their mouth. It smells like a cross between Rosie O’Donnell’s ball sack and the alleyway behind a Chinese carry-out. I say to myself, "It can't be humanly possible for this person to not taste foulness and evil inside that mouth". You try your hardest to cut the conversation short but fail at every attempt. This person is not only long winded but giving you filthy smelling wind that’s killing your lungs in the long run. And don’t get me started on long winded people. I can do a whole fucking blog about people that talk too fucking much. "SHUT THE FUCK UP" You know what you are; you’re a god dam time thief. Your stealing my time with your extra long fucking sentences. Sum that shit into a sentence or a paragraph, do an about face and move the fuck out. Anyway, back to the actual blog. Some people have to remember that brushing your tongue is actually a part of brushing your teeth in the morning. The next time someone starts talking to you and their breath stinks this is what you say, " Hold on buddy, let me stop you right there. Your breath is disrespecting me and is making my internal organs feel bad. I'm not sure what food, drink, or dead animal’s ass you ate but I am strongly considering calling the police and asking the FBI to put you on a terrorist list. I will offer you a whole entire pack of gum or a gas mask. Why are you doing this to us? I don’t disrespect you so why would you allow your breath to do it to me." Let’s move on to the art of washing your ass. Some people absolutely need to shower every single day and some can go an extra day. If you’re walking somewhere and a person passes you and as soon as they pass your nostrils and lungs you get the smell of extra strength body odor. According to law you can make a citizen’s arrest and you should and why you ask? That person has fucked up your thought process. You were walking along thinking of great memories and awesomeness, and stinky mcstinkass stopped you from thinking that and forced you to think about what body wash to suggest to them. Let’s move on over to ashyness. Ashyness can affect all people but is more visible on people of color. You should never walk out the house looking as if your skin is thirsty and you just showered in a bodywash that mysteriously sucks the water out of you, puts it in a glass, throws some ice cubes in it, sits on the side of the bed, watches you get dressed, pulls out and lights a Virginia slim menthol, and in a English accent says, " Same place and time tomorrow?" Let’s make a detour to the person that sweats for no fucking reason. Are you ever standing in line like at a grocery store or something and look at the person in front of you that has neck and back sweat.  They look as if they decided to do their shopping with the pace of a 7 minute mile run with sprints at the end.  How in the fuck are you sweating in a climate controlled environment that requires you to push a damn cart?  You need to double up with your shirts because my kids don’t need to see that shit.  What about the people that have sweaty hands when you give them a hand shake.  Hey, did you rub one off before you shook my hand or what.  How can your fucking hands sweat?  Is it possible that they are a separate entity of your body who like to work out before every handshake? I highly recommend that if you are this person you either, where mittens or a shirt that says, “I give sloppy handshakes that will possible cause you to not shake my hand again”.  Let’s end with be all of all things….FEET.  I am the Infantry dude and I have put a shit load of rough miles on my feet.  Why are people walking around with feet that look like Mike Tyson’s fist?  If you do decide to show your feet out in public do us all a favor and make sure they are up to standard.  Men are just a guilty as women are.  You should never wear open toe shoes and your feet look like you just did a 25 mile ruck march with no socks and boots that were 2 sizes too small.  You crusty foot bastard.  The moral of the story is, Hygiene not only affects you but the people around you as well.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Facebook, tell me you love me

I remember a few years ago when I started my Facebook page.  It was such a thrill to be able to catch with friends from school and Soldiers that I served with.  Facebook helped to answer that question of, "Whatever happen to ........"  But it seems that some of the thrill has gone, at least according to me.  Not a day goes by without someone posting some overly depressing shit.  Most of the time it’s the same people.  Its always, "poor me, I hate my life, men ain't shit, women ain't shit, and I hate my job."  Not to mention the people who's relationship status changes back and fourth at least once a month.  Some people just flat out need to be and feel loved.  So they post something to feel that love and validation.  Don’t get me wrong, I love posting stuff on Facebook.  But I try to post things that are funny, motivating, or something for veterans.  Nobody should visit your Facebook page and feel sorry for you.  Granted there are things that happen in our lives that are bad...I got that.  But if every other post on your page is some sad depressing shit, you need to turn around take a knee and drink water because you're fucking up.  I mean, its your facebook page and you can post whatever you want.  My motto is, " Don't post anything that you wouldn't say in front of an audience or the people on your friend list.  Shit you think life is bad for you, go find a wounded warrior. Trust me, they ain't whining about shit, missing limb and all.  They are happy and motivated to live life.  Who the hell are you to complain and whine about dumb shit.  Did you ever stop and think that maybe you're the fucking problem.  Maybe the reason you cant seem to get shit right is the because of the person in the mirror.  Do understand, bad shit happens in my life just like everybody else.  The difference is, I'm not going to spread that shit to anybody else.  I don't need anybody feeling sad for me, I rather you motivate me and give me guidance and direction.  How many times have you visited someones page and saw some sad bullshit?  You take time out of your day to reach out to that person and help them.  They ignore your extended hand like a fine chick at the club lol.  All they wanted was your sympathy and your attention and know that they have it can go fuck yourself.  About two weeks later they do the same damn thing again.  If I extend a hand to help you and you ignore it,  I will not be extending it again.  You could ignore their post and even block it.  I personally don't block people's feeds on my page.  To be honest with you, its a reminder to me of how not to be.  The truth of the matter is, we need these people in life.  Just like we need night and day as well as the air we breath.  Not everyone in life is perfect and has good days everyday.  However, if there is a pattern of negative sad tell me you love me bullshit you need to stay away from these people.  They always say, "Misery loves company" and the person who came up with that saying is dead on.  Like I said before, its your page and you can do whatever you want.  Just remember that the person reading it is saying something along the line of, "  This person is a fucking loser".  If you want someone to love you, validate you, or fester in your depressed life, you should start with yourself.  Ain't nobody got time for that bullshit.  I got work to do, mouths to feed and get back to my job of motivating the masses. If your not here to inspire, help other, and be a positive person that people can come to....Punch yourself in the neck cause you're fucking up.  Some of you may say, " This guy thinks he knows everything and acts like his shit don't stink".  Guess what, I don't know everything...just enough to appear as if I do.  And my shit does stink however, it goes in a toilet and I flush it afterwards.  I don't carry it around for all the world to see and smell. 

In closing I say this quote.

It is the destiny of the weak to be devoured by the strong.”
Otto von Bismarck


Monday, August 20, 2012

My Fathers Shirt

Some of you may have read my other blog titled, " The Hug From Mother".  Its only fair that I followed up with a blog about my father.  Just like my mother, my dad grew up here in Washington D.C. and wasn't very affectionate either.  He didn't grow up in the best of situations when he was younger but made the best out of what he had.  From what I remember as a young child, he wasn't a man of many words.  If he told you he was gonna do something, he did it.  If you needed something, he gave it to you.  One of the things I loved about him the most it no matter what time he came home in the morning on the weekends, he made sure he got up to cooked breakfast for us.  Despite having a hangover we never had a hungry morning or day for that matter.  He also made sure that we never wanted for anything and always provided for us.  Although I wanted love from my mother,  I wanted something different from my father.  I wanted him to be proud of me.  Growing up in Washington DC isn't the easiest thing to do.  Lets just say you have a lot of options to be whatever you wanna be.  I had been working since I was 16 and upon graduation, I decided to join the army.  Well being stationed out in Hawaii, I would always send pictures back to my family.  One of my favorite pictures is of me with a M203 Grenade launcher at the  shooting range   Well fast forward to December 2003,  on my way back to Hawaii from R&R in DC.  I was sitting on  my flight back Oahu,  I couldn't help but wonder what my father thought about what I was doing.  The few times  I visited them, he only asked a few questions about my life in the army.  I knew I only needed two things from my parents, to be told I was loved and to be told he was proud of me.  When you are a deployed Soldier, its hard to call back home when you're actually out doing shit.  With that being said,  I didn't call home a lot and when I did, I didn't talk long.  In February 2005, out tour in Iraq ended and most of us were happy to come back to Hawaii.  But a big portion of us had family in other places.  It was time for me to visit my family back in DC and was looking forward to it.  However, I still never knew were my dad stood with what I had made of myself.  I landed at Washington Reagan and was on my way to see my parents.  When I got out of the car I could see my dad in a distance.  As I walked towards him I noticed something, he had a black t-shirt on.  And on that shirt was the picture I sent him years ago with me holding the M203 when I was at the shooting range in Hawaii.  My mother said he would wear that shirt all the time and would always tell people that he had a son fighting in the war.  It was his way of showing that he was proud of me.  It was the t-shirt that told the story.  I could look in his eyes and tell that he was happier for me to be home than I was.  As the evening came to an end, he told me that he was proud of me and that he loved me.  That meant the world to me.  And guess what,  I told him that I was proud of him as well.  I took a lot of great things from my dad and learned a lot from him.  Since I was stationed in Hawaii most of my career, my parents never got to see any of my promotions ceremonies.  Well in 2010,  that all changed.  Not only did my family get to see my promotion but my dad pinned on my rank as well.   Whats funny about life is we all have our own way of telling people we care about or something along those lines.  It might be in a verbal form or it might be printed on a shirt.


It's never too late to tell your child that you're proud of them.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Hug from Mother

My mother had me when she was fairly young.  I grew up to be a reincarnated version of her.  Growing up, my mother wasn’t a very affectionate person.  But the affection that she lacked, family gave me.  Her priorities were different when I was a young child but she did the best she could.  The very first hug I got from my mother happened when I called myself running away from home.  I ran away at the age of 10 from the babysitters house to my grandmother's house which was 3 miles away.  When she finally found out she rushed to my grandmother's house.  She yelled at me for a few, then preceded to spanking that ass.  After the spanking she gave me a hug.  Fast forward to the year December 2003 after we got word that we would be heading into Iraq in January, we all went on leave to visit our families.  I didn’t mention much to mother about leaving and going to Iraq.  I just told her that I would be heading over to do nothing and hangout for a year.  I remember sitting at the house with her and doing my will and power of attorney.  She kept saying she didn’t understand why she had to fill one out if I was going over there to do nothing.  But, somehow someway, we managed to fill both of them out.  As my days on leave started to come to an end,  I could tell that she maybe knew I was full of shit about going over to do nothing.  She started to realize that her little boy, her first child had become a man.  She knew that there was a high possibility that she may never see him again.  The dreaded day had come for me to return back to Hawaii and start the path to head into the middle east.  She drove to Ronald Reagan Airport and we didn’t talk very much on the ride.  I didn’t know what to say and I'm sure she didn’t either.  As she put the car in park out in front of departures,  I went to the trunk to gather my things.  We walked towards each other and I told her I would call her when I got back to Hawaii.  She reached out and gave me a quick hug.  A hug no different than what you would give a neighbor or a person you first met.  When the hug was done, she looked at me with a tear in her eye.  Reality had set in.  She pulled me back in a gave me the long hug as she cried and I cried with her.  I had grown up to be a young man, but at the moment I was her child.  The hug she gave me that day, was the hug I had waited my hold entire life for.  It was what I had been missing, to know that she still cared for her first child.  Walking into the terminal, I looked back to see if she was still there.  She was.  I had a doubt in head.  Was this the right thing to do.  Did I want to go over to war just to die.  So that my brothers may live and come home to their families...I would.  I showed the ticket agent my ID Card, accepted my ticket and made my mind up.  I was going to war.  And if I were to lose my life in defense of my brother or my country.. I knew that my mother loved me.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Thank you Pink Floyd

All words in red are lyrics from Pink Floyd Songs

Most people who truly know me know that I'm a huge Pink Floyd fan.  Allow me to take this opportunity to tell you how it came to be.  When I got to my duty station 12 years ago in Hawaii, my first roommate was a guy named Johnson.  We had our fair share of partying and got into more shit than you could ever imagine. Johnson and I were conjoined at the hip.  One of our favorite things to do would be to blast music and get shit faced.  Johnson loved music just as much as I did and til this this day the only white guy that can dance his ass off.  He introduced me to music artist such as, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Rage Against the Machine, and Hank Williams Jr.  I remember us drunk as hell in the barracks singing, "Family Tradition" with our hands around each other as if we were singing a duet.  One day he played a song named, "Money" by Pink Floyd.  I must admit that the song was very catchy but was a bit weird with all the extra background effects in the song.  He played more songs by Floyd but the music fell on deaf ears.  I simply couldn't relate to it and none of it made any sense.  As years would progress, I would play that exact song on occasion but when never venture into any of their other music.  Fast forward to the year 2004 when my life as well as many young men changed as we were sent into the pits of hell.  Not to fight for our country, but to fight for the men to our left and right to make it home.  I wont go too far into how that deployment was, I will just say it was interesting.  When we finally came back to Hawaii, I made a choice that it was time for me to leave active duty and return to Washington DC.  I struggled mentally and emotionally to find myself in this brave new world.  Even though I had been here before, I just felt as if I didn't fit in and belong.  I couldn't make sense of anything that happen to me nor who I was as a person.  I didn't see that young boy with that happy smile.  The person on the other side of the mirror had a different look in his eyes. (Now there's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky) Song: Shine on you crazy diamond.  I didn't know him, but I knew him if that makes any sense.  As I struggled to make sense of everything, I realized that I had fears such as being in crowds, loud noised, certain places, or anything that would remind me of that place.  One thing that I noticed is that I had a fear of darkness.  That world showed us that bad things happen, but they mostly happened at night.  (Threatened by Shadows at night, Exposed in the) Song: Shine on you crazy diamond.  Many a night I would hear the smallest noise while I slept and would lock and load my handgun and search for an enemy that wasn't in my house, just in my head.  There are lists of other things that I did during this difficult part of my life out of fear but, I won't be sharing those for criminal reasons.  One of the things I would always do is look at old pictures of me when I was a child and my first few years in the army.  (Remember when you were young, You shone like the son) Song: Shine on you crazy diamond.  It would always make me happy and would sometimes get me out of a dark place.  My dark place was interesting, but for the most part I did a good job of hiding it from others.  I knew something was wrong with me when my brain would venture back and fourth between that world and here. (Nobody knows where you are, how near or how far) Song: Shine on you Crazy Diamond.  One day, a friend of mine at work overheard me listening to the song, "Money" and decided to make me a Floyd mix tape.  To be honest with you, I had no plans on even listening to the cd.  On the way home from work one day after I ran through all the music I had in my car, I decided to listen to the cd.  As I popped the cd in, I told myself that what ever came on I would listen to it all the way through.  The voice in the speakers went through my ears straight to my brain and soul. He  said, " (Hello, is there anybody in there.  Nod if you can here me.  Is there anyone at home) Song: Comfortably Numb.  That was the first time I was ready to start piecing together the puzzle, and I knew who would be helping me along the way.  After listening to that song you couldn't pay me to not have Pink Floyd in my car.  The more their music spoke to me, the more the puzzle came together.  When the puzzle came together, so did the tattoo's.  Just about all of them are Pink Floyd album covers, lyrics, or screenshots.  I figure its the least I could do to thank them but at the same time use it as a form to express who I am and how I felt. I remember a few years ago when I  had my first idea for a Pink Floyd tattoo.  Most artist looked at me if i was crazy and wouldn't take the chance on doing it.  But one artist name Dave, took that chance with it and didn't judge me.  I honestly think he was more excited to do it than I was.  When he was finally done and I looked at it,  another piece was added to the puzzle. We enjoyed working with each other so much that I got 10 more over the next few years including a sleeve from my knee to my ankle.  Each of my tattoo's has a story about something related to that world and I thank Dave for turning those pieces of paper into amazing tattoo's.  In closing,  I will say that most of you have been through something in you life and made it through it or can at least see the light at the end of the tunnel.  This, is just the story about mine.  Although I have found a lot of pieces to my puzzle, I will never find them all.  That world that I left will always have a few of them just to remind me that it existed.  But at least now I have enough pieces to make out what the puzzle is.

All that you touch
All that you see
All that you taste
All you feel
All that you love
All that you hate
All you distrust
All you save
All that you give
All that you deal
All that you buy
beg, borrow or steal
All you create
All you destroy
All that you do
All that you say
All that you eat
everyone you meet
All that you slight
everyone you fight
All that is now
All that is gone
All that's to come
And everything under the sun is in tune
But the sun is eclipsed by the moon.

Song: Eclipse

This is dedicated to my brothers no longer with us and the ones who are fighting the battle inside them...I say to strong for one day you will Shine On You Crazy Diamond.......

Friday, August 10, 2012

A Womans Dream of Marriage

Marriage is an interesting thing.  At least for the Woman it is.  Every since they were little girls, marriage was pushed on them.  Barbie I think had a husband named Ken but that was the fakeout because Ken was hanging out with He-man and Lionel from the Thundercats lol.  But back to the topic, Most of all the toys and games that little girls played had some sort of a marriage, wife, or girlfriend type theme.  You can even look back to the days of playing house.  Your character wasn’t single, you had a husband and you did what you thought life consisted of.  As you got older it all started to become clearer.  Society told you that you had to get married, have kids, have a house with a picket fence, be a soccer mom, and have a large SUV or Minivan.  As a woman you will do whatever you have to do to ensure that this happens.  Now there are a few defectors who decided to do none of the things above and or alter a few of them and that’s perfectly fine.  But majority get sold the dream and work their entire lives to achieve this.  No let's talk about the single women's hunt for the husband and family.  Most women create this super perfect model in their head that looks like Denzel or Brad Pitt, with the body of a Gladiator, the smarts of Bill Gates, and a father like qualities of Dr. Heathcliff "Cliff" Huxtable from the Cosby show.  The funny thing about that is...This person that you have created in your head doesn't exist.  Even if he did you have to be Solid and good looking enough to pull that type of a man.  Looking for a man is like shopping, " you would love to buy something from Neiman Marcus, but Walmart is more in your price range".  Once you find a good man, you do everything in this world to hear these statements,

Will you marry me
I pronounce you man and wife
I'm pregnant
It’s a boy or Girl
We are new home owners  
We need a minivan or big SUV

You work your whole entire single life to hear those things.  Some of you have heard those things a few times.  But remember, those are the things that society has engrained in your brain.  If you decide to change or not comply with any of those things,  people will look at you as if  you've done something wrong.  People get so caught up in what a traditional marriage consist of.  The bottom line is you have to tweak your marriage to benefit BOTH OF YOU.  Now once a woman achieves all of those goals,  the question becomes what are her new goals now that she has these things.  The bottom line is, most women don’t create new goals.  According to them, why should they.  They have fulfilled their dream  they've worked their how entire life to achieve.  That my friend is the beginning of a failing marriage.  The woman must establish new and recurring goals. The most simply one is to maintain all of those things you worked hard to get.  Just because you have them doesn't give you the right to slack on your duties.  You have to keep those things to include but not limited to your husband.  Most women tend to think, "Well now that I have him he will automatically stay here.  I call bullshit, because I have seen men walk away from a marriage that has 4 kids because the wife lost focus. Now I know some women are like I should do a blog about men and their quest for marriage.  Here is that blog, " We don't have a quest for marriage, only to reproduce and keep a low stress level in life". Whatever happens in accordance with those things are fine as long as its minimal drama and stress.  Also, Men aren't big on planning, why because that's stressful.  Majority of men are just good ole plain simple:).  If you are fortunate enough to have those things in life, the journey doesn't end there.  You have to do your part to keep them:)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

1st Official Blog

Well Well Well..Its been a long time coming.  Starting a blog has been something that I have been thinking about for a very long time.  I have always been told that I had pretty awesome way of delivering a message and getting my point across.  With the help of FaceBook friends and old battle buddies asking me to start a blog....... I bring you, "Thoughts of a Predicated Infantryman".  I like to post on a variety of things and promise my blogs will never be boring.  Most of all of my blogs will be based off of things that I witness or random thoughts that I have throughout the day.  I will only post stuff that myself or others will enjoy.  Many factors will play a part in how often I update the Blog and I will do my best to give you the goods:)... With that being said...... Lets roll right into the fact that Outback Steakhouses Steaks.........of all things taste like hot shit. How in the hell does your Brown bread you serve in the beginning just to make me full to offset those small ass daycare portions better than your steaks.  You specialize in steaks....How can you guys fuck that up.. Its like Papa Johns Pizza tasting like shit, but the box it came in is was well designed lol.. I mean don't get me wrong,  The New York Strip looked amazing, but tasted like they didn't add not a sprinkle of seasoning.  As a matter of fact, "Chili's" Rib Eye taste pretty damn good and they don't specialize in steaks...They are better know for that gay ass baby back rib song, a place to get shit faced, and the lovely Molten Chocolate Cake.  And might I add, one scoop of ice cream is never enough for me, so I always order an extra scoop.. They charge two bucks for that like they got a midget in the back churning that shit from scratch.  In Infantry Language... "HOW THE HELL YOU  DONT KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SHIFT AND LIFT  FIRE"  but the Airforce dude is tracking what it means...... Its your sure as hell better be good at it.  As a guy,  you have to do a few things to keep your masculinity up and eating a steak is one of them..  Do you have any idea what people thought when they walked pass and saw a half eating steaks but a sweet potato with nothing but skin left on my plate...the complete opposite of masculinity.  Bottom line is...don't go to outback for steaks..go to  Chilli's for midgets and ice cream:)

No Loaner Car for you

Just dropped my car off for service..The customer service there is super suspect.. how the hell you don’t have loaner cars. I'm Michael...and they trying to treat me like I'm Tito. "Mr Huggins you can have a seat in the waiting area well we get your paperwork ready"....Muthafucka I'm just dropping the car off...I aint come here to have coffee and doughnuts and shit. Gonna ask me if I'm gonna wait the two hours at the dealership......."Da Fuck outta here" I'm in I look like I wanna wait two hours..Do I look like I don’t have a job...Do I look like a Homemaker ..Do I look like my wifes a light Colonel and I just stay at home and raise 15 year olds...Do I look like im worth millions... if I was trust me the car I would be servicing would cost $375.000. This Fucktard gonna ask me, "how's protecting the country going?"....Muthafucka I sit behind a desk and wear cologne in uniform and cross my legs when I sit...i got duel monitors for Christ sake..I aint put a round down range since President Bush's first term....The good news is my service was complementary:)

Gorilla Monsoon

As I lay in bed sick from a common cold or dehydration... I share this award winning thought with my veterans of battle.........." As you went into that world.. To fight for your brothers and or your country....the world gave some of you a gift..and that gift is a gorilla.. The gorilla is a beautiful animal that people adore but they also posses the power to be destructed and down right deadly...o...
n some days you are in charge of the gorilla..and some days he controls you. Sometimes he walks beside you..sometimes he rides on your back..sometimes he wears camo and nobody noes he's there... But people know you are carrying something work your body out to be able to carry that weight... But your body can only carry so much before it breaks down.....the gorilla can be gentle and affectionate ....but can also flip and be hurtful and dangerous can camouflage all you want..but the weight and pain of carrying will also be there must be in control of him...he posses the power to kill you and others...he's an Animal... That's what you needed to survive that have taken him out of his native habitat...and know u expect him to play nice with you and others... If you train him and help him be use to being around other people he will stand a chance...but if not...HE WILL BREAK YOU AND can never ever get rid of him.. He is your blood..he is your son..he helped you survive..the least you can do is return the favor...he saved your save his....teach him to be loving and kind and gentle...teach him to not be ashamed of how he looks ..teach him to never forget where he came from..but to understand it and accept....for one day he may need that strength that kept him alive in that keep him alive in this one. Don't keep him on your back..don't put a leash on proud of him and teach him to walk beside you and stand tall with his chest out...maybe the world didn't give it to u..maybe you had him all along..maybe he was always there ...maybe the Machine groomed him because they knew that world would need him...and you did..but the machine didn't teach u how to control him when u left that world and possibly left the machine..some of you are still in the machine..but its hard notice that u have a gorilla when everyone has one.. Or sometimes you come here garrison...and realize your the only one Carrying a wild beast...never the less.......he is your are responsible for him...stop blaming shit on him..stop letting him bully you and others.. And help him:). After all ...He is I....and I am him...stay thirsty my friends. 

The Army Combat Action Badge

Just FYI...The Combat Action Badge and the person who came up with the idea is gay (not the people who actually wear them) or if you were assigned to Infantry Guys you are good to go:).. Every time I see that the back of my head I'm like, "its looks so gay" Here is the bottom line..Some Loser higher up with no badges on his chest got tired of looking at the Infantry dudes with CIB's and said to himself, " I know I get a Combat Patch, but....but I wanted something to wear on my chest since I don’t have the balls to go to a school and earn something. Us non-infantry deserve something other than a combat patch..we are engaging the enemy too..I wish I had the balls to be an infantryman". And whats with Soldiers saying dumb shit like, " We did the same shit the Infantry Dudes did" And whats you point buddy...I worked with Spec Ops Before..And guess what I don’t get a Long Tab because of it. .. If I do buddy Aid under Fire do I get a Combat medic Badge.. The answer is no. Anybody can get hit by the enemy..But there are certain MOS's that can maneuver in ways unknown to man.. Just ask yourself this..When your POG ass get jammed up and the only answer is boots on the SF or Air Support.. Who you calling..Those Same Dirty nasty filthy stinky crazy ass dudes that you talk shit about and make fun of cause they out there doing PT in the Combat zone while you talk on the phone with your Family all day. When you see someone with any badge or award..feel free to ask him how he got it..And here is the catch.. If he knows you well...He might tell you..If he don’t know you..he wont tell you shit and might even get hostile with you lol...Ask any Infantryman where is the worst place he's slept, Longest he's gone without eating, Longest he's been without washing his ass, The most amount of shit he's carried, the worst he's been treated by another MOS, The longest he's walked, how many times he's trained and slept in terrible weather conditions..there are select MOS's who because they are assigned to Infantry Battalions or Brigades..They have to go through all the shit I just described just like We do. And I say we..I don’t serve as an Infantryman fact my new MOS is Aviation.. But being an 11B isn’t just an MOS..ITS A WAY OF LIFE. We all have our Job's in the Army:) Be proud of YOURS:) Combat Action Badge = GAY!